In reply to  OrionWorks's message of Wed, 12 Mar 2008 13:10:40 -0500:
>Robin sez:
>> I think that there is little point in being in space just for it's own sake. 
>> The
>> only real reason to go into space is to go to other planets. If one doesn't 
>> have
>> the technology to do that, then there isn't much point.
>I've run across this opinion many times in my life. When I was a tad
>younger the opinion used to incense me to no end. 
I think we have different definitions of space. You mean everything outside the
Earth. I mean literally the space between things. IMO there is plenty of reason
to got out into your space - those reasons are called stars and planets. That's
also where I would like to go (curiosity). 

What I meant was that if you really look at your own motivations, I think that's
also the only reason you would want to go. Ask your self this question:

"If space were totally devoid of anything else other than the Earth and the Sun,
would I still want to go?"

Well maybe some would, to get a better look at the Sun, but I doubt many would
want to live there.

IOW I see living in space itself (rather than on a planet or moon) more as a
possible necessity than as something desirable...and I think that necessity will
eventually be avoidable, though perhaps not in the near future. It depends on
just how fast those black ops UFOs are. :)

Robin van Spaandonk

The shrub is a plant.

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