This will be everywhere in the media in a moment . . . so I need not relate details.

But I would like say that Arthur was a good friend to me and to Gene Mallove, at a time when we badly needed friends. (We still do, of course.) He was a good friend to cold fusion. He will be sorely missed by the field, and by me, personally. I have not spoken with him for years, but he was often in my thoughts. He sent me many strange, wonderful and kind comments and documents -- including stuff unrelated to cold fusion -- that helped immeasurably. He, Tinsley and I shared a kind of off-beat culture & kinship, mainly British but also American. We discovered, to our surprise, that we all three admired now-obscure authors such as Gilbert Highet and Fosco Mariani.

His most extensive comments about cold fusion is in the revised "Millennium Edition" of "Profiles of the Future." He wrote a short paper, here:

I think I will copy my review -- a homage really -- to "Profiles" here.

- Jed

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