In reply to  Mike Carrell's message of Wed, 26 Mar 2008 09:48:25 -0400:
>What is fundamentally different is that in the conventional system, the AC 
>rotating machines are locked in synchronism with the 60 Hz grid, and if any 
>one falls out of synch, destruction will follow. With wind turbines this 
>need not happen.
If the national grid were DC iso AC, then synchronization problems would be
inherently non-existent. Any form of power source could contribute, with
conversion from AC to DC taking place locally on the supply end, and conversion
from DC to AC taking place at substations on the receiving end. It would also
have the advantage of more efficient long distance transport.

Of course, it would no longer provide 60 Hz synchronization of clocks, but this
is easily overcome by allowing the substations to use crystal controlled
oscillators, synchronized via the Internet.


Robin van Spaandonk

The shrub is a plant.

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