Yep, it's required reading at my house now.

--- William Beaty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Here's a biology book I'm going to buy: "Cells, Gels, and the Engines of
> Life" by G. Pollack, a researcher here at UW Bioengineering.  Someone at
> work was talking about this book having heretical biochemistry and "water
> memory" controversy. Then I read this amazon review written by A. Stein,
> PhD neurobiologist at the UW dept of medicine:
>  "Dr. Pollack is an embarrassment to his field and his University... This
>   book may change the way you look at the world around you, but so will
>   psychoactive drugs and head trauma. Pollack is a laughing-stock. He will
>   tell you that he is a persecuted genius."
> See?  I just **gotta** read it now.  Thanks Dr. Stein!    :)
> (((((((((((((((((( ( (  (   (    (O)    )   )  ) ) )))))))))))))))))))
> William J. Beaty                            SCIENCE HOBBYIST website
> billb amasci com                  
> EE/programmer/sci-exhibits   amateur science, hobby projects, sci fair
> Seattle, WA  206-762-3138    unusual phenomena, tesla coils, weird sci

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