A lot of speculation on the head of a pin by Jones.

I once had conversations with Dr. Peter Jannson of Rowan University. He was the first gradudate student of the newly-endowed engineering school at Rowan. For his Master's thesis, which I read, he performed a simple BLP experiment, using a calorimeter borrowed from BLP. He got modest excess heat. He told me that he had been a technical scout for Atlantic City Electric, the local utility, looking for energy-related investment opportunties for the corporation. He recommended an investment in BLP [Hydrocatalysys at that time]. He was allowed to buy a modest investment of stock at a time when only mjaor investments were being sought. Jannson was part of the Rowan team that investigated BLP reactiors as thusters for deep space probes. The team made very effective use of a $75,000 Phase 1 grant, but were unable to get definitive results.

I have no knowledge of what was 'claimed' at that time. Jones may be conflating this with the much later finding with water bath calorometry of an energy yield of 100X that of combustion of H. There lhas been no claim of 100X power gain from a BLP reactor to my knowledge.

Mike Carrell

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