Howdy Vorts,

What am I missing in regards to BLP ?
Our tiny company budgets $ 350,000. per year in research. No matter how great the idea, if we don't see something happen in two years.. bye bye idea based on the simple premise that a blind hog can root up an acorn every once in awhile.. BUT.. 19 years ?
People that can actually do it.. DO IT.

Sure hope Mike don't hold any BLP stock


--- Mike Carrell wrote:

As I dig into the new material on the BLP
website, it looks as Mills is
finally positioned for commercial development. His
'solid' fuel when heated releases H and K3+

Here is a picture of such a solid.

Which is almost as much real information as is
apparent on these "new" pages. Surely you have head
something beyond what appears on the web site, no?

The only thing which leaves the impression that BLP
has moved beyond 19 years of "vaporware" so to speak,
is what we can 'read into' the sparseness and line
drawings. Given that there is a picture of a
cylindrical reactor, which BTW is far less impressive
that past pictures of reverse gyrotrons and Capstone
turbines- surely there must be data and results beyond
this, which you are privy to ? Hardly 'due diligence'

Can you name any independent licensee of the energy
technology who is investing enough money to move
towards a real prototype?


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