--- Nick Palmer  wrote:

> getting the CO2 from existing coal/oil/gas fired
plants would be FAR better... 

I agree 100%. The situation is not either/or. 

CO2 should definitely be removed from the exhaust of
all existing fossil fired plants, and fed to algae-
there is no question about that. 

However, that will not be enough to end the US
dependence on Middle Eastern Oil.

File that away and move on to the trickier question,
which basically resolves to the dilemma of "the lesser
of two evils"

Would we be better off for that percentage of
shortfall, which the above will not cover, to continue
importing the balance of the oil from Arabia,
Venezuela and other OPEC thugs, or would we be better
off converting our own resources for the purpose? The
same amount of CO2 gets into the air either way.



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