Jones wrote:
> BTW - why do we continue to have pennies? What a waste
> of copper and *time* for clerks. I bet the net-cost of
> using pennies and even nickels is in the billions of
> wasted dollars.  Let's get rid of this gigantic
> anachronism, ASAP !!!

Pennies aren't copper, or at least not much copper. Since '88 or '89 they've 
been stamped from barrel plated zinc slugs. Up until recently they could 
actually be made for less than a cent. I've amused myself by grinding the 
copper off one side and using another penny to make a tiny Daniell cell. Yes, 
I'm easily amused by such things. 

But I agree with you.  I'd take it a step futher and eliminate all the annoying 
coinage except quarters. Besides, people are beginning to use credit or debit 
cards for even small purchases now. When you see card readers at McDonald's you 
know that cash is on the way out.


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