--- Terry Blanton wrote:

> With a TBO (time before overhaul) of 10 to 50 hours?

As I recall that engine was designed for target
drones, no? Hopefully the criteria and specs would be
upgraded a bit for use as a backup engine.

Which begs the question: why would you ever overhaul
one anyway? ... or should I say that the only time one
of them needs to get overhauled is if your Gunny has
trained some really bad marksmen ... 

Since most of your recruits practiced up to 60 hours
per week as preteens on the x-box, prior to enlistment
(who else really enlists these days?) one may
reasonably doubt that any such drone has ever been
missed, nor any of the el-cheapo engines has ever
needed to be overhauled ;-)

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