Howdy Vorts,
A Medivac chopper cost 15k to transport a patient 100 miles. Look around at the medical industry and notice the never ending construction of medical facilities on a huge scale. These new hospital facilities represent a "new industry" of unprecedented scope and costs. There is no expense spared in treating a patient and the equipment, supplies and services are so advanced that it requires skilled workers to operate simple devices. The record keeping for drugs,procedures, insurance and liability costs alone is beyond the scope of any other industry. Like the stock market and social security, the medical system is unsustainable. Most societies collapse, not from lack of planning, but from the lack of understanding the principle of the laws of human nature. The desire to stay alive. There is real money in feeding this desire... well.. err.. until.. the money runs out.. then it's every man for himself... the poor dumb saps left in Berlin after WW2 must have had some difficulty reconciling exactly what happened. However, as in Paris and London, they rose again... along with the Euro.. In the USA, we have a strangely connected atmosphere like Europe and Japan after WW2. Not caused by bombed out cities but by affluence. Moscow is another strangely connected atmosphere.. caused not by bombed out cities nor affluence.. but by criminal minds running government. The USA is now entering a triad of the above events in a strangely connected way.

Jeff Fink wrote:

If you think health care is expensive now, just wait till it's free.

Bush correctly pointed out that anyone in the U.S., even an uninsured poor person, can get healthcare at an emergency room, just as my friend did. He did not say that after a few days in the hospital you will be billed more than your net worth, and then hounded by bill collectors until they run you out of house and home.

- Jed

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