Ed Storms wrote on 4-21-08:

"This is indeed a sad story, Jed, that is repeated many
times each day.  The basic problem is that the American
people have accepted the idea that life in this country
should be based mainly on the individual effort, with
socialism being un-American. Liberalism, which tries to use
the state to protect the individual, is considered a dirty
word. These ideas are accepted by the ordinary working
person even though this is not in their self-interest to
do so ..."

Hi All,

Unfortunately, using "the state to protect the individual,"
as evidenced by our current military adventure in Iraq,
founders on human greed and egotism.  I have chronic
Lyme disease, a condition which is claimed not to exist
by powerful elements in the medical and pharmaceutical
establishment.  The disease is suppressed as long as
I take antibiotics (which are relatively cheap when
compared with the antibody destroyers used to treat, for
example, multiple sclerosis and other so-called autoimmune
diseases.)  I know that I would not be able to legally
obtain antibiotics with a centralized health care system in
the United States, regardless if it fascist or socialist.

Benjamin Rush, M.D.,  Physician to George Washington and
signer of the Declaration of Independence wrote:

"Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution,
the time will come when medicine will organize into an
undercover dictatorship ...

All such laws are un-American and despotic and have no
place in a republic.  The Constitution of this republic
should make special privilege for medical freedom as well
as religious freedom."

Source: "The Autobiography of Benjamin Rush"

My fear of the power of the state, which inevitably leads
to corruption and despotism, compels me to work for medical
freedom despite the arguments of compassion and efficiency.

Jack Smith

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