OrionWorks wrote:

Assuming we could magically, starting tomorrow, stop
emitting all forms of CO2 as a result of our technology:

How many active volcanoes would it take to produce
an equivalent amount of CO2 that humanity currently
produces ...

thomas malloy wrote:

Compared to the volcanoes, all 6,000,000,000 of us are
the equivalent of a pimple on an elephant's rear end.

Hi All,

My impression, and I have no numbers to back it up, is
that volcanoes are only important when a mega-volcano like
Toba (70,000 ago) or Yellowstone (due any day now) blows.
The major daily carbon release by the Earth is in the form
of methane, an even more effective greenhouse gas than CO2.
I don't have any numbers on this either -- maybe C. Warren
Hunt estimated it someplace.  Even methane release probably
has wide swings because some of it may be trapped in
water-ice, or is subject to periodic warming of the tundra.

All this is beside the point, which is that we must
stop using rock oil NOW -- JUST SAY NO TO PETROLEUM!
This is a matter of the highest national security.
It should be as socially unacceptable to use rock oil as
it is to spit on the floor.

Jack Smith

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