Jones Beene wrote:

When it comes to "power-assist" for the bicycle, even
in the range of 300 watts...

My Lafree electric bicycle motor produces 400 watts maximum when the battery is fully charged. I would not recommend a less powerful motor than this, although perhaps if the bicycle itself were lighter a 300 W motor would be sufficient.

For middle-age people and people wearing business clothes, electric bicycles are more practical for commuting, and more enjoyable than regular bicycles. I recommend them for distances greater than 3 miles. Millions of people in Japan commute from their houses to local railroad stations by bicycle. This is typically a mile or two over level ground. A cheap bicycle is fine for this purpose. There are thousands of them parked at Japanese railroad stations, under plastic roofs to keep the rain out. Roofs are essential; you should not leave a bicycle out in the rain.

I saw thousands of bicycles in China, especially at Tsinghua University. Their mechanical condition, brakes, tires and so on are atrocious. I wouldn't ride 100 m over level ground on one.

- Jed

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