On Jun 21, 2008, at 3:12 AM, Michel Jullian wrote:

Nanosolar's 1 GW/yr solar cell printer presented by CEO Martin Roscheisen here, with a video:


If they sell the panels at $1/W as announced, they are aiming at a $1B annual income, not too shabby :)


Yes, but that is just for one 1GW CIGS coater, which cost $1.65 million. On that basis, Nanosolar should be financially capable of sustaining 10x to 100x per year growth rate - until resources, like supplies, staff, land, or customers run out. The major impediments to going all solar are bulk energy storage, i.e. large battery or hydrogen generating systems, and low cost energy transmission systems.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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