--- Robin 

Your analysis of the operation of the diode seems

The addition of the water mist, and its net energy
balance, is a key point, however which no one can
forecast accurately at this point. This possibility of
it being gainful deserves more attention in a
perfect-world (if we had a national commitment to
get-off of fossil fuels) - i.e. to ascertain whether
or not is  ultimately advantageous to use added water
in a compressed-air motor situation. 

If the Graneau conclusion of a COP of ~2 in water-arcs
is correct, whether it comes from hydrinos or
whatever, then that finding makes the applicability of
this technology as an add-on to the air-motor most
interesting - and the curious thing is that a few of
the photos of the Negre engine do show what looks like
spark plugs.

The blue cabling at the top of this image looks too
flimsy to be for 300 bar air:


BTW there are 4 cylinders but they operate in two
pairs and two stages, so only two spark plugs (to the
small pair of cylinders) would be needed, if they are
used at all.

Spark-plugs are absent from the patent and most other
commentary, so we can assume that Negre has missed
this detail as a possible advantage - if it is indeed

Alternatively, it could mean that the engine does use
some gasoline under normal high speed driving - which
has been glossed over in most of the PR accounts. 

[SPIN] They want the motor to appear to the public as
*air only* - and yes - it probably will operate on air
only at low speed, but for use in Europe or the USA-
they should probably just come out and admit that it
needs a tiny amount of gasoline, but gets 250 miles to
the gallon, or whatever it takes for the 25 kW output.

As mentioned, no one knows for sure the most critical
details of the Negre air-motor, and the apparent need
for some gasoline appears in the older reports but not
the more recent ones. 

Plus, intensity of visual arcing (from the video) with
or without added water mist - means nothing
scientifically - but gives the impression of far more
energy; which could be illusory. 


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