--- George 

> No, I have not seen the Lindemann stuff. I'll take a
look if you can supply me with a few (Youtube?) web

Here is the first one.  


This video is tedious at first, but bear with it till
he sprays water on the plug in just the right amount -
but we do not know the net energy balance... 

... YET - instead of a quenching of the spark, the
opposite occurs with the spray, which is part of the
visual surprise. The other minor surprise is that this
is done with nothing more than typical automotive
parts - instead of Graneau's  enormous PS. (R. Hull's
is the best version, I suppose).

Here is a circuit diagram of another variation which
better shows how a stronger lower voltage DC current
pulse is allowed to follow immediately after the
breakdown of the HV initial low-current pulse, from
the ignition coil. Lots of series diodes in this
version. But basically this is something that could be
easily accommodated simply in any modified vehicle.


Here is another


I believe that there "could be" some synergy with this
kind of thing - but only in the Negre air car
situation, where the Carnot-spread numbers benefit
from less than ambient exhaust - yet would it only be
beneficial to the extent that there is anything at all
to the Graneau results? 

Even if there is nothing at all to Graneau, then this
is not automatically a waste of time- as there is also
a remote possibility of a superoxidation effect and
layered metastability. Any number of powerful
oxidizers are present in water-air-arcs - not to
mention the Mills' hydrino.


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