Steven Krivit wrote:

>It's going to take me a while to process all the stuff from ICCF and
> don't expect anything too quick.

I guess the ACS just wrapped up yesterday:

Fall 2008 National Meeting & Exposition
236th ACS National Meeting & Exposition
August 17-21, 2008
Philadelphia, PA, USA

Just in time for me to put a news item about, a day late for it to do any good. Ah well.

As I said, news is not my forte.

>Why didn't Celani's abstract fit in the ICCF-14 book of abstracts?

'Cause it was too long. The instructions said, I quote:

"Length: One page total per abstract. Longer abstracts will be edited to one page."

You would be surprised how many authors ignored that and other instructions. Or maybe you wouldn't, but anyway, I cut 'em.

One of the many advantages of working with Navy and ex-Navy people is that they mean what they say, and when they set a rule they enforce it. For example, at ICCF-14 the sessions started on time, and presentations were delivered on schedule.

- Jed

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