Jed Rothwell wrote:

> Furthermore, you are ignoring the fact that the global warming experts
> predictions have come true in the world is indisputably growing hotter
> rapidly, as Ed pointed out. You do not need a computer to see that. Just
> look at melting ice...

Just ask Horace.  He's in Alaska, where the glaciers are vanishing and
the permafrost is melting.  Do you think Horace believes in global warming?

Or just ask me.  I live in Canada, where the Northwest Passage has
suddenly become a political football.  There wasn't any "Northwest
Passage" up until very recently, as I hope everyone on this list is
aware!  The North Pole is a big deal, too, because at the rate things
are going there's going to be *clear water* over the Pole during the
summer in a very small number of years ... I mean, like 2 or 3, not like
50 or 70.  And that makes the issue of who "owns" that water very
significant indeed.

Our very conservative Prime Minister is all hot under the collar to beef
up Canada's defenses to protect our sovereignty in the far north, and
particularly in the Northwest Passage.  Harper is a hyperconservative,
but in the face of *obvious* step-out-the-door-and-trip-over-it
rock-solid evidence, even he has had to admit that things are getting a
lot warmer, very fast, and we need to do something about it.  His
preferred solution seems to be to buy more helicopter gunships, but
whatever, at least he admits there's a problem.

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