Did anyone notice that on one of the tower collapse videos that one corner
column remained standing for a moment after the collapse before it dropped
vertically, probably due to buckling near the base.  I'm not sure what the
significance of this is, only that it means something.


-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen A. Lawrence [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2008 2:37 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [Vo]:NIST caught in huge Lie

Jones Beene wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Stephen A. Lawrence <
>> Whether any of my comments apply to WTC7 is not clear, as its collapse
> looked rather different on video.
> That is becasue it was completely different in the details, and your
> understanding of the first two as being "freefall" is incorrect, but
> understandable. They were not freefall during any significant portiion
> of their fall AFAIK. Close but no cigar.
> Videos of the Two Towers (1 & 2) clearly show large chunks of debris
> falling separately and unconnected from the main structure.  This debris
> - which includes one 10 ton chunk of the exterior skin, is shown to
> descend at an acceleration which noticeably faster than that of the main
> portion of the collapse (perhaps 20% faster).

Whoa -- good point!  I recall seeing bits of junk arcing away from the
towers in the videos and descending faster than the collapse wave, but I
never made the connection -- it shows that they were not moving at "full
free-fall" speed, no matter what was claimed about them.

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