The obese problem will go away?  No.  A good portion of the obesity
problem in the us is becuase cheap food is unhealthy food.  Its not
just overeating, its that some people can only afford crap to eat.

On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 11:41 AM, Edmund Storms <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> His prediction would be correct if nothing else happened. Now we have two
> additional variables in play. The first is a world-wide depression. This
> will reduce energy demand and reduce use of oil - for a while. By the time
> this is over, new sources and effective conservation methods will be
> available. The second is the response of users. Already demand in the US has
> gone down. As the price of gasoline goes up, people find ways to save or to
> use other sources. This is not rocket science. A bigger fear is the rise in
> food prices. The obese problem will gradually go away and be replaced by the
> underweight problem. I wonder how the government will handle this problem?
> Ed
> On Sep 22, 2008, at 12:23 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
>> I normally pay little attention to magazine articles with titles like
>> this, but this one appears to be authoritative. See:
>> Other oil experts make similar predictions but nowhere near as dire in the
>> short term.
>> - Jed

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