On Sep 25, 2008, at 11:05 PM, Robin van Spaandonk wrote:

In reply to Edmund Storms's message of Thu, 25 Sep 2008 16:05:23 -0600:
Hi Ed,
Evidence is growing for several mechanisms to be
operating. We know that tritium can be produced on occasion without
neutrons. Perhaps, the same mechanism makes neutrons without tritium.
I find this somewhat confusing.

The two common DD reactions are:

D + D -> T + p + 4 MeV (no neutrons)         I


D + D -> He3 + n + 3.3 MeV (one neutron).    II

Therefore, if only the first reaction takes place, then it is to be expected
that T would be found with no neutrons.

The second reaction would make neutrons, but would concurrently produce He3, not

Granted, in hot fusion, both reactions happen with about equal frequency, hence the concurrent production of both T and neutrons, however I see no reason why there couldn't be a shift in the ratio of the two reactions under the conditions of CF. (This may particularly be true if rather larger Deuterinos are involved, where the internuclear distance severely limits the reaction rate, thus perhaps enhancing any probability difference between the two reactions.) In that case I would expect it to be skewed toward the reaction with the largest energy release, and that is of course the first reaction. IOW I would expect to
occasionally see T and protons, but rarely He3 plus neutrons.
(It's easier for a neutron from one nucleus to tunnel across the gap to the other nucleus than for a proton to do so, because the neutron doesn't experience
the Coulomb barrier - at least that's my simplistic explanation).

I agree with much of your reasoning. However, we now know the tritium branch can be stimulated. Now we have a little evidence that the neutron branch might also be stimulated. Although the two branches are equal in hot fusion, the probably of stimulating each branch might depend on the environment in cold fusion. Stimulation of the He4 branch certainly depends on the environment, why not the other branches as well?

You can also think of this in Mills' terms: On average in a Deuterino molecule, the nuclei will try to orient themselves such that the two protons are as far apart as possible (even at distance, before tunneling), which puts the two neutrons in the middle when tunneling does occur, preferentially resulting in
the formation of T).

If the distance between the nuclei gets very small OTOH, then it makes less and less difference, because the short range nuclear force will act without fear or favour, which is what we see with ordinary hot fusion, or with muon catalyzed fusion. Furthermore, in hot fusion the temperatures are so high that the rotational energy of the ions must of necessity also be high. That means that any preference the protons might have for staying as far apart as possible gets
largely washed out.

I suggest it is too early to suggest a mechanism. We are not yet sure the proposed neutrons are real.



Robin van Spaandonk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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