"Plasma" is the most common form of matter in the universe. Called a "fourth" 
state or phase, (as it is unfamiliar - even alien to life in some ways) - yet 
ironically, plasma is primordial and the most important state of matter, from 
which everything derives. 

The plasma state is defined as a "partially ionized" gas, in which a
proportion of electrons are not bound to the atom. That can mean "hot" but heat 
is not required. The plasma is
electrically conductive, if not superconductive, so that it responds
strongly to electromagnetic fields. Plasmas can exist in a wide range of 
parameters and can be extremely cold. 

In fact (and another huge irony) - they usually are extremely cold ! (i.e. in 
terms of the proportion of the total population of plasma in the universe). The 
so-called CMB or cosmic microwave background radiation is proof of this - as it 
comes from a diffuse hydrogen plasma which is very near absolute zero in 
temperature, yet accounts for a significant portion of "dark matter" in the 
universe due to its ubiquity.

Now we are getting down to the important parts of this hypothesis. Bear with 
me, it is not simple, so the table must be set for every arriving course.

Cold plasmas, when the right parameters exist for this feature to occur: exist 
in the so-called "strong coupling regime." The CMB is one relic of this regime.

This regime is where the energy of the Coulomb interactions between particles 
is larger than their thermal energy -- and it often demands that the particles 
be constrained in some fashion, like a magnetic field or even the "interstitial 
matrix" ... yet even a self-generated magnetic attraction between particles can 
be enough. 

Yes, I am also trying to make the case for the importance of the "interstitial 
matrix" of cold fusion - in that hydrogen (deuterium) inside such a space (i.e. 
a proton
conductor) can be said to be in the form of a "virtual plasma". Do you have a 
problem with that characterization?

This "strong coupling regime" is a most important state for forcing reactions 
between atoms which would normally require extremely high energy to interact. 
This is because, essentially the particles are closer to being "fixed targets" 
than moving targets... yet surprisingly - ask yourself this (especially if you 
have followed LENR for a long time): how often have I heard the "strong 
coupling regime" even mentioned as being important?  (that is- outside of a 
Peter Hagelstein lecture like the recent one at MIT) 

Yes, the "strong coupling regime" is an important part of cosmology - but in 
condensed-matter physics ? not so sure. This can change. Hagelstein seems to be 
able to drop these 'depth charges' of insight almost casually, and it can take 
months for them to finally sink-in.

IOW - although an strong coupling regime would seem to be rare on earth unless 
in a vacuum chamber, there is the strong possibility that the "virtual" version 
this regime is responsible for many if not most hydrino and pre-LENR effects 
(those effects which precede low enthalpy fusion (which is evidenced by 
transmutation products but few other indicia of fusion).

Now you realize that all of the above word-salad was an appetizer to the 
main-course in which the "meat dish" is a bit tepid  <g>  That is, to suggest 
that maximizing the "strong coupling regime" could be a major yet 
under-appreciated strategy for taking LENR to another level; and furthermore 
that there does exists a tasty recipe for doing this.

The importance of the "strong coupling regime" points directly to why terahertz 
radiation (submillimeter radiation), expecially
coherent radiation in that spectrum, may be the future of robust "on demand" 
LENR. These lasers are just now appearing.

Hydrogen (deuterium) inside a matrix which is "open" (i.e. a proton
conductor) can be said to be in the form of a "virtual plasma" and the best way 
to stimulate Coulomb
interactions, such as P-e-P without increasing heat input (which destroys the 
parameters by creating radiply moving targets) is by increasing the coupling by 
an input of "cold" (tepid) radiation.

This submillimeter
spectrum defines the crossover point where thermal and Coulomb
interactions can have dynamic featrues appoximately equal = 300+ degree K and 
100 micron wavelength (which is the long-edge of far-infrared light). 

BTW I have posted previously on the possibility of attaining "triple coherency" 
 (at least transient) in an active LENR cell which is semi-coherent in phonon 
vibration enhanced by active temperature regulation combined with external 
photon irradiaton which amintains the same temp -- all to maximize a cavity 
resonance at the same frequency. 

This is a further evolution of that suggestion - based on continuing 
announcements of Terahertz laser advances (primarily for airport security) and 
finally the 'dawning' - of what it was Hagelstein has been talking about with 
the strong coupling regime (at least I think this is what he was thinking 
about, and wish I could explain it better- maybe if the meme continues to 
sink-in that will happen before senility sets-in).


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