[Here is a version combining some features from both, with fewer words than the original.]

Open Letter to President-elect Obama:

The undersigned would like to call your attention to a source of energy that has been largely ignored, but has huge potential: cold fusion (the Fleischmann-Pons effect).

This is a fusion reaction between deuterium atoms in solid materials. Over the last 20 years, it has been explored in laboratories world-wide and found to be much more efficient and cheaper than the conventional plasma fusion (ITER) method. It has produced 10,000 times more energy per gram of fuel than any chemical reaction, and it can probably generate millions of times more. It has reached temperatures and power density equal to the core of a conventional fission reactor.

This method is still not sufficiently understood to be scaled up or commercialized, but the potential is so great that we are asking for your support in encouraging government funding to help achieve this understanding. Many qualified researchers at National laboratories, the U. S. Navy and at other government laboratories would like to do cold fusion research, but they have not been funded.

You can obtain more technical information at LENR-CANR.org, and from many books about the subject that are listed on the site. Or contact any of the signers of this letter.

Respectfully yours,


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