Jim Dickenson wrote:

Just lurking here - would it be worth mentioning setting up SBIR
grants for LENR research to Sen. Obama?

I have no idea what an SBIR grant is.

I do not think we mention anything but the most pertinent information. The shorter we can make this, the better. I am thinking maybe we should go for something like a haiku version, or something from the original Frankenstein movie:

Smoke, good.
Fire, go-o-o-o-d.
FUSION good. Me want fusion.

The technical version concludes:

Tritium and helium good. No penetrating radiation, GOOD.

Also - any abbreviations or acronyms should be spelled out - a lot of people are not knowledgeable on these things.

Good point.

Someone else pointed out to me that this is "a tad presumptuous" because Obama has not, technically, won yet. That's true. But I wasn't planning to upload this until tomorrow at the earliest, and we can change the heading to "McCain" if necessary.

- Jed

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