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On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 3:53 PM, Harry Veeder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> News
>> Laser creates billions of antimatter particles
>> Wednesday, 19 November 2008
>> Cosmos Online
>> Positron factory: Physicist Hui Chen sets up targets for the anti-
>> matter experiment at the LLNL laser facility.
>> Credit: LLNL
>> SYDNEY: By shooting a laser through a gold disc no bigger than the
>> head of a drawing pin, physicists have created more than 100
>> billion particles of antimatter.
>> The ability to create vast numbers of positrons in the laboratory
>> opens the door to new avenues of research, they say. These include
>> an understanding of the physics behind black holes, gamma ray
>> bursts and why more matter than antimatter survived the Big Bang.
>> Super-sized portion of positrons
>> "We've detected far more antimatter than anyone else has ever
>> measured in a laser experiment," said Hui Chen, a physicist at the
>> Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) in California, U.S.,
>> who led the experiment. "We've demonstrated the creation of a
>> significant number of positrons using a short-pulse laser."
>> Previous experiments made smaller quantities of positrons using
>> lasers and paper-thin targets - but new simulations showed that
>> millimetre-thick gold could be a far more effective source, said
>> the researchers, who report their finding this week at the American
>> Physical Society's Division of Plasma Physics Meeting in Dallas,
>> South Carolina.
>> Chen and her team used a short, ultra-intense laser to irradiate a
>> millimetre-thick gold target.
>> In the experimental set-up, the laser ionises and accelerates
>> electrons, which are driven right through the gold target. On their
>> way, the electrons interact with the gold nuclei, which serve as a
>> catalyst to create positrons.
>> Electron's opposite number
>> The electrons give off packets of pure energy, which decay into
>> matter and antimatter, following the predictions of Einstein's
>> famous equation that relates matter and energy. By concentrating
>> the energy in space and time, the laser produces positrons more
>> rapidly and in greater density than ever before in the laboratory.
>> Positrons are the antimatter equivalent to the electron, and behave
>> in a similar way, though they have the opposite charge (see, New
>> twist to matter-antimatter mystery, Cosmos Online).
>> The researchers took advantage of this property to detect them, by
>> using a typical device to detect electrons (a spectrometer) and
>> equipping it to detect particles with opposite polarity as well.
>> "By creating this much antimatter, we can study in more detail
>> whether antimatter really is just like matter, and perhaps gain
>> more clues as to why the universe we see has more matter than
>> antimatter," said LLNL team member Peter Beiersdorfer.
>> "We've entered a new era," Beiersdorfer added. "Now, that we've
>> looked for it, it's almost like it hit us right on the head. We
>> envision a centre for antimatter research, using lasers as cheaper
>> antimatter factories."
>> Particles of antimatter are almost immediately annihilated by
>> contact with normal matter, and converted to pure energy in the
>> form of gamma rays.
>> There is considerable speculation as to why the observable universe
>> appears to be almost entirely matter, whether other universes could
>> be almost entirely antimatter, and what might be possible if
>> antimatter could be harnessed.
>> Product of energetic celestial events
>> Normal matter and antimatter are thought to have been in balance in
>> the very early universe, but, due to a mysterious 'asymmetry', the
>> antimatter decayed or was annihilated, and today very little remains.
>> Over the years, physicists had theorised about antimatter, but it
>> wasn't confirmed to exist experimentally until 1932.
>> High-energy cosmic rays impacting Earth's atmosphere produce minute
>> quantities of antimatter in the resulting jets, and physicists have
>> learned to produce modest amounts of anti-matter using traditional
>> particle accelerators and smaller laser set-ups in the lab.
>> Antimatter may also be churned our in regions like the centre of
>> the Milky Way and other galaxies, where very energetic celestial
>> events occur. The presence of the resulting antimatter is
>> detectable by the gamma rays produced when positrons are destroyed
>> when they come into contact with nearby matter.
>> ###
>> With the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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