Howdy Vorts,
There is actually a need on science websites for an occasional OT comments regarding politics. Ben Franklin was perhaps the first in the USA to publish such, and his commentary, along with Mark Twain and Will Rogers's remain the defining literature in the need to be watchful. The need to "glorify and enshrine" our political leaders is part of hero worship practiced as an art form by Hollywood. In reality, politicians are not to be elevated to status of king. Ben Franklin warned of this danger. Hold a deep distrust of political leadership. Our Constitution is worded to protect us from them.. not visa-verse. Ole Samuel warned the Israelites not to appoint a king.. cuz he would make your daughters servants, conscript your young men to military and take your best land for themselves. Times sure haven't changed much and we need a reminder we now have another politician elect ready to be our next leader. Like every past prez, he is a politician and must not be worshipped. Will he be a great leader?? ... NO!, He sizes up to be an astute politician which is what we elected. Does he compare with JFK ? NO!, why so??.. because JFK is the only politician that, getting caught with another woman in bed at the whitehouse, could ask his wife "if she was gooing to believe him or her lying eyes". Not even Bill and Monica could pull that off. BO will preside over events facing our nation that are beyond any repair. He will lead a nation that has "morphed " from a constitutional republic into a socialistic democracy. Not even the ancient Greeks nor Russians could make one work. China is experimenting with what may become a new form of socialistic form of neo-industrialization of the masses like the USA. Will it work? NO!. Why ? because in order for such a political system to function, it must have a morale base.
China never had one and the politicians traded our's for derivatives.
We are to be skeptical and cynical of any leadership.. cuz.. politicians are human.. not gods, although the NYTimes is working on it.
It's ok to call a politician a crook in Texas.. however redundant it sounds.
Or. as the theme song for Camelot reads.. There's no such thing as Camelot.. but.. if there were... it would only last for a little while.

Jones Beene wrote:
Hey I would like to fully retract, disavow and disown the previous
posting, in its full entirety and without any reservations!

Whatever cynical humor was intended, did not show up in the end.

I thought it was quirky funny, but I can see that others did not share
my amusement.

I'm sorry -- I did indeed miss the humor!  I took it to be an essay in
"serious" conspiracy theory.

Just call me Steve the Sullen, Picker of Nits  :-(

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