----- Original Message -----
From: Michel Jullian <michelj...@gmail.com>
Date: Monday, March 2, 2009 3:55 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Electrons

> Robin,
> I may be wrong but all this sounds complicated and ad hoc, compared to
> the standard quantum electrodynamics theory, which, although it often
> goes against common sense (e.g. the "preposterous" things I
> mentioned), does predict things nicely from a tiny set of rules.
> For example, to go back to the subject of your original question, can
> Mills predict the next decimal places for the electron's intrinsic
> magnetic moment (presently 12 or so) _before_ they are experimentally
> determined, like QED has been doing for about 60 years? (*)
> Cheers,
> Michel

But is it really an experiment or is it a quantum computation?


> (*) see Feynman's little 1985 book 'QED ['for dummies' he could have
> added, as even I was able to understand it!] The Strange Theory of
> Light and Matter', and http://cerncourier.com/cws/article/cern/29724
> for the latest I believe (2006) experimental refinement of the value.
> 2009/3/2  <mix...@bigpond.com>:
> > In reply to  Michel Jullian's message of Sun, 1 Mar 2009 23:12:06 
> +0100:> Hi,
> > [snip]
> >>Circular? Why not, but around what, and what kind of radius and 
> rotation rate?
> >
> > I think the size of the electron is variable, i.e. it comprises a 
> vibration> (rotation?) in the fabric of spacetime. For the ground 
> state of the H atom, it
> > might be a vanishingly thin walled sphere as Mills suggests, or 
> perhaps a
> > toroid, with major radius = Bohr radius, and minor radius = 
> classical electron
> > radius.
> > A torus wouldn't be a problem for free electrons, but according 
> to Mills free
> > electrons are flat disks.
> >
> > The torus has another advantage, you can fit two (and only two) 
> of them at equal
> > distances from a nucleus on the same axis. This screams electron 
> "pairing".> BTW, for a torus, (from memory) if the minor radius = 
> the classical electron
> > radius, and the circumferential velocity around the minor 
> circumference is the
> > same as that around the major circumference (i.e. fine structure 
> constant x c),
> > then the frequency of the minor rotation x h = 511 keV. :)
> > (But then, I think this is probably the definition of the 
> classical electron
> > radius anyway).
> > However it does mesh nicely with the notion that an electron is a 
> circularly> polarized 511 keV photon that is wrapped around in a 
> circle till the head meets
> > the tail (think of both ends of a "slinky" joined together).
> > Perhaps when it is ionized, the radii shrink under the influence 
> of passage
> > through the "ether". That is also essentially what Mills suggests.
> > Note that such a shrinkage would imply an increased rotation 
> frequency, which in
> > turn equates to a higher mass. IOW the faster is goes, the more 
> massive it
> > becomes.
> >
> >>
> >>Michel
> >>
> >>/3/1, mix...@bigpond.com <mix...@bigpond.com>:
> >>> In reply to  Michel Jullian's message of Sun, 1 Mar 2009 
> 19:05:42 +0100:
> >>> Hi Michel,
> >>> [snip]
> >>>
> >>> Advice given to politicians, is never to ask a question, unless 
> you already
> >>> know
> >>> the answer. I think the obvious answer to my own question is 
> that the
> >>> electron
> >>> is not a point particle. Mills uses a circular orbit, and gets 
> a very nice
> >>> value
> >>> as a consequence. I think it's time that QM got reworked. :)
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>A very good question Robin, I too would very much like to know 
> the answer!
> >>>>
> >>>>The resource below doesn't really provide one, but it does 
> quantify>>>>the (preposterously high, in their opinion) spin rate 
> which would be
> >>>>required if the intrinsic magnetic moment was due to an actual
> >>>>spinning little sphere of charge:
> >>>>
> >>>>http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/Hbase/spin.html#c4
> >>>>
> >>>><<The term "electron spin" is not to be taken literally in the
> >>>>classical sense as a description of the origin of the magnetic 
> moment>>>>described above. To be sure, a spinning sphere of charge 
> can produce a
> >>>>magnetic moment, but the magnitude of the magnetic moment obtained
> >>>>above cannot be reasonably modeled by considering the electron 
> as a
> >>>>spinning sphere. High energy scattering from electrons shows no 
> "size">>>>of the electron down to a resolution of about 10^-3 
> fermis, and at
> >>>>that size a preposterously high spin rate of some 10^32 
> radian/s would
> >>>>be required to match the observed angular momentum.>>
> >>>>
> >>>>Why they think it would be preposterous I have no idea, it doesn't
> >>>>look more preposterous to me than electrons going back in time or
> >>>>photons going faster or slower than the speed of light, which have
> >>>>been considered perfectly normal things for many decades.
> >>>>
> >>>>Cheers,
> >>>>Michel
> >>>>
> >>>>2009/2/25  <mix...@bigpond.com>:
> >>>>> Hi,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The magnitude of the Bohr magneton is essentially based upon 
> a Bohr
> >>>>> orbit. How
> >>>>> is that the intrinsic spin magnetic moment of a point 
> particle electron
> >>>>> is so
> >>>>> very close to one Bohr magneton?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Regards,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Robin van Spaandonk
> >>>>>
> >>>>> http://rvanspaa.freehostia.com/Project.html
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>> Regards,
> >>>
> >>> Robin van Spaandonk
> >>>
> >>> http://rvanspaa.freehostia.com/Project.html
> >>>
> >>>
> > Regards,
> >
> > Robin van Spaandonk
> >
> > http://rvanspaa.freehostia.com/Project.html
> >
> >

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