-----Original Message-----
From: Terry Blanton 

"The shrewed fellow is taking advantage of recent news since he has CF
as his first "tag" or keyword.  I bet Steven was alerted by a news
service because of that keyword."

> So they are claiming that 192 HUGE lasers focused on a pellet the size of
a pea is 'cold'??? Sounds delusional to me... 

The first thing that comes to mind is where is Frank Grimer when we need

Has Frank's insight on "compreture" spread no further than a few souls on
this forum?

Geeze. The second thing is that mainstream physics is delusional when they
cannot parse common English in the context of science well enough to
understand that heat and pressure are interconnected in such a merged
continuum (joined at the hip, as it were) that indeed it is both possible
and likely that reactive elements (deuterium and tritium) in a pellet near
absolute zero can fuse BEFORE they can attain any measureable "heat" at all.

Heat and pressure are indeed linked at the hip (of the L function). High
pressure is a substitute for high heat and vice-versa. ALWAYS !!

In LENR, when isotopes that occupy a substantial "space" (i.e. cubic volume)
at STP are encouraged to become adsorbed into what is essentially solid
metal - then yes, they can be both "cold" technically, but so "effectively"
pressurized in the confines of this environment that the Lawson criterion
are met (rather a version of this criteria) in the terms of enhanced QM
probablility. IOW Lawson needs to be revised in terms of QM.

If you look at the graph here


You will discover that The deuterium-tritium "L function" minimizes near the
temperature 25 keV (300 million kelvins) at normal conditions, but even that
is false for laser ICF - since it is still possible to fuse at cryogenic
temps. "Time" is the key, and essentially convergent laser beams offer too
little "time" for real heat gain in reactants and they fuse at whatever was
the starting temperature - even though the compreture has been massively

In fact, many of us are of the opinion that by using a version of the Lawson
criterion which is tailored to bosonic condensed matter there will be a
camel back hump - such that the easiest fusion (especially for pure
deuterium) will be found near absolute zero. That is cold in anyone's book.

IOW the "pellet guys" at LLNL who have burned through about 4 billion with
nothing to show (essentially converting greenbacks into rabiit pellets)
could probably have done this 10 years ago - with a tiny fraction of the
laser power - had they first understood and used LENR principles ! and had
fist adsorbed D2 into a bosonic matrix (i.e. C-60 bucky ball) before

It is NOT too late to do the "mea culpa" over at LLNL, and to embrace LENR
for what it is: the truth ....


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