Guys, heads up, it is going to get interesting.

The 60 minutes piece is a turning point worthy of celebration.
But on the next day, nobody yet has defined the real consumables of LENR power devices, or the support infrastructure.. The cells are decisively O/U, but not O/U by a "plug power" criterion of net system energy yield. In that respect LENR is not yet better than Tokomaks -- it can be better, but an investment of $XX million will be needed.

The virtue of the 60 Minutes report is that it may help get the $XX million needed, that there are new players in the "Alternative Energy" game..

BLP is well ahead of LENR toward commercialization, with a private, focused investment of $60+ million.and verification of power yields in the XX kilowatt range. As of today, there is much to do to demonstrate a "water engine" but that may be accomplished within months.

The potential effects of either/both technologies on the economic and political power structlures of the world are disruptive,. but in XX years we will be in much better shape.

Both technologies also point to a new era of physical understanding of the world. Sorting all this out will keep generations of grad students busy as the old guard of doubters gradually die off.

Meanwhile the Jokers in the game will be an empowered EPA, and DOE, whose regulatory empires will be challenged.

Stay tuned.

Mike Carrell

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jed Rothwell" <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Monday, April 20, 2009 2:46 PM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Living proof that there is doubt

Jones Beene wrote:

1) the one which requires a very expensive feedstock (deuterium) and leaves
some radioactive transmutation products, including tritium - or

2) the one which requires only water and (apparently) leaves no radioactive

Not to rain on anyone's timely parade (60 Minute's worth) but how can this
comparison not be raised at this stage of the game?

The reason is obvious to me: BLP has not been as widely replicated. It is not as certain.

Besides, the differences are minor. The drawbacks to CF that you cite are not terribly important. The radioactivity can easily be contained. At worst, it is analogous to comparing three technologies:

1. An electric typewriter, circa 1980 (conventional energy sources)
2. A personal computer circa 1980 (cold fusion)
3. A personal computer today (BLP effect)

The improvement from #1 to #2 is tremendous. The jump from #2 to #3 is minor in comparison. Mostly a lot of MS Windows hooey.

- Jed

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