
I hope everything goes well, and safely, for you and
yours. I've dealt with similar things before, albeit
with a machine in my hands that would be far more
effective than any modern donut-monster. Thankfully, I
never had to use it.

One thing I am not entirely clear on, why did the cop
not let you go to your wife? Did he suspect you were
up to something? Were the people in the neighborhood
even informed of what was going on?

It almost sounds as if the police had little regard
for the people IN that neighborhood, including your

Another off-topic: here in the buttcrack of America
(Buffalo, NY), some football kicking bonehead arrived
and was given the key to the city by mayor Byron
Brown. When some complaints were raised as to how this
man was treated so much better than any of the other
people here, including top researchers at Roswell Park
Cancer Institute, one of whom developed the PSA test
for prostate cancer. Mayor Brown, in his infinite
wisdom, responded that no scientist or researcher has
ever drawn media attention to Buffalo. I suggest Brown
be nominated "Dick of the Year, 2009"

His son can join him; using his mayoral powers, and
pleading against 'racial profiling,' Mayor Brown
managed to get the troubled lad off damn-near
scot-free of grand theft auto and leaving the scene of
an accident. 



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