A comment and a query.

Some of the phrases in the draft seems too defensive and resentful. For
example, "We have to self fund our experimental activities. 
Worse, there is also a well documented pattern of suppression of this 
technology. I will probably have to leave America in order to bring this
technology to the market."

People who place themselves on the 'oppressed victim' side of an argument
will tend to have less influence than people who place themselves in the
'insider camp' and offer ways to improve things further. 

Of course, this has nothing to do with objective reality, and everything to
do with patterns of influence, which, I think, you intend this letter to do.

Query, next to last paragraph:  "Particularly since the technology to render
it nonradioactive was demonstrated over ten years ago."

Can you say a bit more about what this technology is, that would render
radioactive material non-radioactive?



-----Original Message-----
From: thomas malloy [mailto:temal...@usfamily.net] 
Sent: Friday, May 22, 2009 12:19 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: [Vo]:letter to Shirley Jackson


What you you think of this letter?

Shirley Jackson, Ph D
President Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Dear Dr. Jackson;

I saw a broadcast of your address at the Bakken Museum on Twincities 
Public Television. You seem interested in innovation, so there are some 
matters that I'd like to bring to your attention.

There is a basis in theoretical physics to believe that the zero point 
energy could be cohered to provide a pollution free source of energy. 
The quantum theorist Hal Puthoff of earthtech.org has coauthored a 
series of articles which were published in Physical Review. They 
speculate about the interaction of the ZPE and matter. It appears that 
the effect can be optimized by use of torsion field physics of Nicloi 

Despite well documented replication of anomalous energy, in these 
experiments, the American Physical Society treats this technology like 
it doesn't exist. We have to self fund our experimental activities. 
Worse, there is also a well documented pattern of suppression of this 
technology. I will probably have to leave America in order to bring this 
technology to the market.

I find this behavior inexplicable given the opposition which has been 
raised to our continued poisoning of the atmosphere with carbon dioxide. 
It's clear to me that we need a Manhattan Project sized effort in order 
to stop this poisoning of our environment. I have attempted to get a 
commitment from President Obama putting his administration on record as 
opposed to the continued suppression, in vain. It would seem to me that 
this is the least that they could do.

Given your involvement with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, I'd also 
like to mention the suppression of the use of induced nuclear reactions. 
The website, lenr-carn.org has over 3000 papers, some in the form of 
synopsis, others in the form of a .pdf document. I realize that the 
experimental results are difficult to reproduce, and that so far, no 
usable energy has been produced. However in the 60 minutes segment on 
"cold fusion" the APS's representative took the standard party line, 
about not seeming to care about the experimental results, his mind 
having previously been made up.

It's clear to me that if, following the experiment; you extract a metal 
which wasn't there before, and that metal has an isotopic spectrum 
containing a large amount of 2%'ers, isotopes which occur in nature in 
concentrations of less than 3%, that is anomalous. This anomaly doesn't 
seem to be clear to either Dr. Robert Park, or Dr. Zimmerman. While Dr. 
Park was initially reported to be contrite, following the 60 Minutes 
broadcast. Later he was later back spouting the party line, of "voodoo 
science." Why am I not surprised? this is the APS's business as usual.

I noted what appeared to be your support for that boondoggle at Yucca 
Mountain. I can just imagine the streaks of protest that would result if 
you attempted to bury that waste in the layer of basalt in northern 
Minnesota. I don't blame the people of Nevada one little big for 
opposing it. Particularly since the technology to render it 
nonradioactive was demonstrated over ten years ago.

Dr. Park has yet to repent of his attacks on Dr. Randall Mills of Black 
Light Power, which in my opinion were as the basis of the recension of 
BLP's patent. This despite BLP's having sold licenses for it's technology.

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