
I took some notes on Jack Sarfatti's paper on the Energy of the Vacuum. So, hoping that it initiates a discussion: Does anybody understand what a nonlocal pair entanglement operator is? What does Bell - basis liaisons dangerous, mean?

As I recall, other physicists, Hal Puthoff among them, believe in a flat world view which would lead to a false vacuum. Does that mean anything to anybody? This view of the world leads one to conclude that M^2 > 0 and Beta > 0. In Dr. Sarfatti's opinion, the correct view is that of a curved world; produces a true vacuum. This results in a different shaped curve in which M^2 is < 0 and Beta is > 0.

This yields an effective potential, in Jack's opinion, to the left we have a massive Higgs Oscillator with an amplitude of psi. To the right we have a gapless Goldstone Oscillator with a phase of psi. Psi = a virtual tachyon.

Einstein's gravity is from modulating phase of psi. The base is on a complex plane.

Jack calculates that passing the space time stiffness barrier will require an energy of 1 Fermi bend per 4 billion metric tons equivalent applied external electromagnetic energy.

Jack contends that Hal Puthoff's ideas on cohering the ZPE are wrong. This is the closest that Hal gets to a credit.

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