>From Lawrence de Bivort:

> Or, one could run VoB by the rules you are proposing for VoT,
> and not run any list at all for trolls posters.

Agreed. In fact, I had first considered this option before coming up
with the controversial suggestion of creating yet another Vort list,
the [VoT] group. One would assume that there would be less
modifications needed to manage a list group that already exists.

However, pursuing such an option would, as you have pointed out,
change the intent of what [VoB] is currently designed to take care of.
Currently it's not just a place for the handling of OT discussions. It
also a place for fistfights and flame wars. In a sense [VoB] was
designed to help shunt off the vestiges of aggressive posting behavior
from [Vo]. Personally, I'm ALL FOR changing the rules in [VoB] so that
there are civilized rules one must follow - or else be prepared to
experience the wrath of the god of Vortex at your own peril. ;-)

But again, that is a decision Mr. Beaty would need to ponder.

I'll just say that IMO, I think [VoB] is currently underutilized. I
think it could be used for far more noble purposes than as a "shunt".

Steven Vincent Johnson

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