Great sounding solution, yeah I don't read most either.

Hell, is it just me or are people less likely to respond to a personal email
these days? I have both sent them off with no reply and been guilty of not
replying in a timely manner and possibly forgetting to do so myself a few

There are also no doubt going to be personal emails I never see for one
reason or another.

This seems very useful.

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 6:39 PM, William Beaty <> wrote:

> On Thu, 18 Jun 2009, Horace Heffner wrote:
> > On Jun 18, 2009, at 12:29 AM, William Beaty wrote:
> > >
> > > There's a 100% replicable CF experiment.  People on other lists are
> > > trying it out.
> >
> > What lists?
> Tap-L, Phys-L physics lists.  He only attracted a few takers.  He's
> sending out fresh CR39 and Oriani's nickel wire.
> > > Nobody on vortex is interested.  (Really?  Or was it just lost in
> > > the noise?)
> >
> > Yes, I saw it. If I were to work in the electrolysis regime, I would
> So maybe the lack of Vortex response to that message *isn't* caused by
> thread overload.  I know it would have been in my own case.  If someone
> here does some interesting work in their own lab, I'll often miss it,
> since I don't read all threads.  Having each of us trying to add a prefix
> might work for awhile, but I know it's something I'd eventually forget,
> then stop using it.
> Needs a software solution.  Instead of prefixes:
>   - Vortex for normal stuff
>   - Bortex for extreme OT, no rules
>   - Cortex for actual testing being done in real time by vortex people
>   - Dortex  hmmm.  only for antigravs based on 3rd time deriv of velocity!
> Aha! Vortex/Cortex messages could dump into the same archive, but with
> automatically added prefix.  Subscribe to both, send both to your usual
> vortex email folder.  Then it's still the same forum, but with an
> automated mechanism to control the subject prefixes.  To get that prefix,
> just reply to one of those messages, or post to the other vortex addr.
> But with a difference: people could sort messages by prefix or by FROM
> addr.  Or just ignore it and read everything.  Or simply subscribe to just
> one section, and never see any of the others unless you looked at the
> archive.
> > > It looks to me like there's way too much traffic on vortex to read
> > > every single message continuously for months on end, much less
> > > clicking on linked articles.
> >
> > Personally, I'd prefer to skip a hundred threads a day than live with
> > extensive moderation and death of the group.
> This vortex doesn't change.  And not moderation, any more than "vortexC is
> for torsion" needs moderation.
> > Notes on one of my variations on the SPAWAR approach, which amounts
> > to co-deposition on the sides of holes in a thin metal cathode.
> Thanks!   Will peruse.
> (((((((((((((((((( ( (  (   (    (O)    )   )  ) ) )))))))))))))))))))
> William J. Beaty                            SCIENCE HOBBYIST website
> billb at amasci com               
> EE/programmer/sci-exhibits   amateur science, hobby projects, sci fair
> Seattle, WA  206-762-3818    unusual phenomena, tesla coils, weird sci

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