After re-reading I still fail to understand your contact point thought, but
is it merely to produce a magnetic field in the shaft?
If we used a magnetized shaft, north at one end south at the other would
this still be required to create the effect?

Is the force you are envisioning one that puts a torque on the individual
ball bearings?

Ah, maybe that's what you mean?

On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 8:51 AM, John Berry <> wrote:

> A few thoughts, btw I have not fully comprehended everything you've said
> yet but I'll have a crack at it...
> From the stationary view point a magnetic dipole would be created only if
> electron drift tended not to spiral.
> The magnetic field would be generated by the rotating protons .vs non
> spiraling electrons.
> Ok, so it generates a magnetic field dipole and a force would be on the
> ball bearings but it would be equal and opposite at each end and so cancel.
> And any force placed on the shaft would be likewise canceled, for instance
> if we assume that the shaft has a dipole field which seem plausible the
> current cutting along the north end of the field would generate the opposite
> force to that created by the south end.
> I don't yet follow the retarding metal contact point idea so I can't
> comment.
> On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 8:18 AM, William Beaty <> wrote:
>> On Thu, 25 Jun 2009, William Beaty wrote:
>> > One thing about self-excited electric motors of all kinds: they work
>> > independantly of voltage polarity.
>> WOW!  I got it, I got it!
>> In a ball bearing motor, if the path of current is spiral, then it creates
>> a magnetic dipole field on axis with the bearing.  If this happens, then a
>> ball bearing race becomes a Faraday Homopolar motor/generator, with no
>> field-magnet needed.  And regardless of current polarity, the motor would
>> always produce torque in the same direction (the direction determined by
>> the spiral.)
>> But WHY would the current be spiralling?
>> Maybe the motion of the moving metal will bias the path of the amperes?
>> On the other hand, if a ball bearing has a micro-layer of lubricant and
>> corrosion, then it takes time to squeeze out this material as the bearing
>> rolls forward. Therefore the contact point on the metal is retarded a bit
>> when compared to an unmoving bearing.  At higher RPM, the retarded
>> position of the contact point would become greater, so torque would
>> increase with RPM.  Also, the metal/metal bond might persist for a bit
>> before rupturing, also retarding the contact point.
>> OK so far, but there could be a problem.   If the direction of the slight
>> spiral path is wrong, when compared to the direction of rotation, then the
>> motor-effect will be in the wrong direction.  The motor won't spin,
>> instead it will act like a brake.
>> I just worked it out with simple right-hand-rule issues.  The force is in
>> the correct direction!  It doesn't matter whether it's CW or CCW.  As long
>> as the contact point gets retarded by the corrosion layer, it should
>> accelerate the rotor.  Coooool!
>> But that means...  a liquid-wetted version would eliminate the squeezed
>> layer of crap, and it might have zero torque.  (Or, perhaps the "tail" of
>> liquid gallium might provide a more asymmetrical path, and increase the
>> torque?)     ...or if the whole thing was caused by thermal effects and
>> expanded metal "bumps," the liquid-wetted version should stop working.
>> In any case, it should be easy to build a motor by replacing the ball
>> bearings with perfectly symmetrical slip rings, then welding some
>> spiral-shaped bars between this bearing and the outer metal tube.  Or even
>> use some strips of sheet copper, insulated with paint, wrapped around the
>> shaft to make a simple coil between the shaft and the copper pipe.
>> EVEN BETTER: if this device is spun faster than its "natural" speed, it
>> should become a generator and start recharging its battery.  (Add some
>> more RPMs to replace the wattage lost in the slip rings.)  If the battery
>> is replaced by a short, at some RPM threshold the ball bearings should
>> produce a huge current and a magnetic field.  A tiny benchtop Earths-core
>> simulator!
>> PS
>> The moving balls have a vortex-like motion, where the metal is moving much
>> faster in the center than at the outer edge. If the spiral path of amps
>> was mostly caused by this vortex, then the entire ball bearing could be
>> replaced by a pool of liquid mercury, and the motor would still produce
>> the same torque.  But if the spiral path is produced by corrosion layers,
>> then a pool of liquid mercury would produce zero torque.
>>  That's why they're called "AC/DC"
>> > motors.  Self-excited homopolar generators DON'T put out one polarity
>> for
>> > CCW and a different polarity for CCW. Instead the polarity depends on
>> > initial microscopic currents (much like Kelvin Thunderstorm Device with
>> > microscopic voltage.)
>> >
>> > If Marinov's motor runs in the direction of its initial spin, it could
>> > still be a Homopolar Faraday motor of the self-excited type.   If spun
>> > fast and shorted out, it might even become a Homopolar self-excited
>> > generator, and produce an enormous current.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > (((((((((((((((((( ( (  (   (    (O)    )   )  ) ) )))))))))))))))))))
>> > William J. Beaty                            SCIENCE HOBBYIST website
>> > billb at amasci com               
>> > EE/programmer/sci-exhibits   amateur science, hobby projects, sci fair
>> > Seattle, WA  206-762-3818    unusual phenomena, tesla coils, weird sci
>> >
>> (((((((((((((((((( ( (  (   (    (O)    )   )  ) ) )))))))))))))))))))
>> William J. Beaty                            SCIENCE HOBBYIST website
>> billb at amasci com               
>> EE/programmer/sci-exhibits   amateur science, hobby projects, sci fair
>> Seattle, WA  206-762-3818    unusual phenomena, tesla coils, weird sci

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