>From Ed Storms:

> I could go on, but you can see that some really big lies,
> along with many smaller ones I have ignored, have been told.
> As for the US being " one of the most knowledgeable, fair
> and effective organizations in history", I need only remind
> you that it was the failure of the US government to control
> the financial system in the US that has caused the greatest
> loss of wealth in the history of mankind and the process
> is not finished. The consequences of this monumental
> incompetence are slowing developing and will be catastrophic.
> The US government has some good points, but it also has some
> really bad characteristics. No government is perfect, but the
> evaluation must rest on how the actions of the government
> affect its citizens and the world.  The US government talks
> a good line, but its actions leave a lot to be desired.  But,
> I need to stop because this is politics and is a forbidden
> subject here.

Like any government we do have our flaws. OTOH, there certainly are
worse places to live, considering the aftermath of recent elections in
a well known middle eastern country. If it wasn't for Twitter and
Facebook I wonder what we'd really know was going on over there.

Regarding discussions of "forbidden" subject material, particularly
politics, I personally doubt your alleged transgression will cause
another grass roots upwelling, an insurgency within the Vort
Collective resulting in new demands for elections. At worst, your
offense will be perceived as nothing more than an annoying rant by
certain Vort purists, while others more sympathetic will simply nod in

Since he-who-shall-remain-nameless has been banned from posting his
one-sided political potshots within Vortex-l proper, it seems to me
that the occasional business of discussing religion and politics is in
the process of once again reestablishing itself, more or less, as a
necessary evil, an "evil" that helps clarify the complexities of the
world we live in.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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