I am an open minded guy, I mean I'll look at something a bit skeptically but
will quickly accept wherever the weight of evidence leaves.
All of these "oh no ...'s gonna get is" are really without any good
How so many people believe this crap is beyond me, it seems that to believe
it you must want to believe it because evidence wise there is nada.

It is amazing how lacking in vision, how given to resignation people are.

One very great truth is that with inspiration, organization and some effort
and thought almost anything can be done or turned around.

On Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 8:55 AM, Edmund Storms <stor...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:

> How does anyone know that the obit of Nebran Planet X lasts for 3600 years
> except by relating it to the events that are assumed to be caused by the
> planet?  In other words, this looks like circular reasoning, which gives no
> evidence at all.
> Ed
> On Jul 4, 2009, at 5:38 AM, Taylor J. Smith wrote:
>> Hi All,     7-4-09
>> I'm enclosing some snippets on 2012 which you may find
>> interesting.
>> Jack Smith
>> ----------------
>> Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2007
>> thomas malloy wrote:
>> ``Vortexians;
>> Those of you who have been on the list for a while
>> know that I have a fascination with the apocalypse,
>> and a gallows sense of humor. The author of this
>> website was interviewed this morning on C to C AM,
>> no matter what you think about his theories, you will,
>> IMHO, appreciate the art that went into the introductory
>> page. http://www.apocalypse2012.com . Momma mia, that's
>> a spicy webpage!
>> I'm reminded of a Tesla Society conference around 1992
>> where someone mentioned the wall in 2012, and remote
>> viewing. That was before I heard about Hal Puthoff's role
>> in the development of remote viewing, 2012 seemed a long
>> way off at the time.''
>> --------------------------
>> http://www.enterprisemission.com/_articles/05-22-2004/Bell-InterviewPartOne.htm
>> Hoagland & Wilcock on Coast to Coast
>> 5-15/16-04
>> [AB is Art Bell]
>> ``AB: From the high desert in the great American southwest,
>> I bid you all good evening, good morning, good afternoon
>> -- as the time zone may dictate -- all of them covered
>> like a blanket by this program, Coast to Coast AM. I'm
>> Art Bell. It's the weekend, and I am honored to be with
>> you on a Saturday night going into Sunday morning, and of
>> course tomorrow night as well.
>> I have some shocking and tragic news for you at the top
>> of the program and I'm sure Richard's gonna have a lot to
>> say about this and will probably fill me in on details
>> I don't yet have. But what it boils down to is that Dr
>> Eugene Mallove is dead. And it is indeed with great sadness
>> that we report the passing of Gene Mallove who died, no,
>> correction, was killed, on May 14th apparently due to some
>> sort of -- we don't know about this -- allegedly, some are
>> saying 'some kind of property dispute'. It is considered
>> by the police to be a homicide and an investigation is
>> under way now ...
>> AB: I know this has great meaning for Richard, but I?
>> RH: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. We're not getting to
>> the good stuff yet.
>> If you look at that line -- where it is in the sky --
>> and you extend that line (like a celestial Meridian)
>> out into space -- so it goes through, you know, where
>> Sirius is in the sky, if you track twelve degrees to the
>> East -- one degree per year (which is how Sirius will
>> move, in relation to the Earth, and in relation to the
>> Galactic Center) -- when that alignment occurs at midnight
>> at 2012 -- that will be the Winter Solstice, and 'D-Day'
>> will have arrived!
>> In other words, that [planned Giza 2000] Ceremony marked
>> the beginning of a 12-year [countdown] 'clock!'
>> DW: Right -- I got it!
>> RH: The final countdown to 'something' -- happening in 2012
>> -- by these guys, led by Zahi, who know 'something' -- that
>> they are not wanting the rest of us to figure out! ...''
>> -------------
>> Commentator 1 wrote:
>> ``From my March 20, 2008 email:
>> "The Sunday before last, a similar browsing trip to
>> Border's brought Mar/Apr [2009] SCIENCE Illustrated to my
>> attention for "The Volcano that Lied: How Santorini Is
>> Changing History 3,600 Year After It Blew", pp. 46-53.
>> The article describes how the new "date" for the Minoan
>> eruption of Thera was determined and is shown by the
>> Greenland ice cores to be 1642 BC and by radiocarbon
>> dating, 1627-1600 BC, while not mentioning the tree-ring
>> date of 1627 BC. The radiocarbon date was obtained by
>> high-precision dating of an olive branch that was trapped
>> in the tephra from the eruption."
>> Forgive any year or two discrepancies, as with the
>> Greenland ice core date for eruption of Thera. The point
>> is that the tree ring climate signal for Thera is dated
>> 1628 BCE, based on the frost damage at that time, while
>> the acidity signal for the eruption in Greenland is 1642
>> BCE (originally reported to be 1645 BCE in 1987). The C-14
>> date for the eruption based on an olive branch trapped in
>> the tephra is closer to the tree ring date than the ice
>> core date. Mike Baillie has published on this discrepancy,
>> but I am not aware of the latest news on this score.''
>> Commentator 2 wrote on 7-1-09:
>> Why is the date 1628 BCE important? I can remember that
>> long ago I adhered to that date. Now I think that it
>> is 1588 BCE. After all, there are not (geologically
>> speaking) all that many years between 1645 BCE (which
>> I never heard of before) and 1588 BCE.  What difference
>> would a few years, even half a century, make here? Please
>> explain. Thanks.  I'll appreciate it.
>> Commentator 1 wrote:
>> ... annual-looking layers based on the dating of ancient
>> volcanic eruptions. For example, the tree ring date for
>> the Minoan eruption of Thera is 1628 B.C.E.
>> Commentator 2 wrote:
>> Thanks for explaining that.  I have included your comments
>> for my Planet X list-members.  Now I know why certain
>> people were focused on the date of 1628 BCE, back 30-odd
>> years ago.  That was a Thera/Santornini "guesstimate".
>> As we know, in Worlds In Collision Dr. Velikovsky equated
>> the time of the Israelite Exodus with the Santorini
>> explosion.  Ipso facto, the Exodus would have been dated
>> around 1628 BCE.  Here is my opinion, in brief.  You can
>> read Chapter 18 of my book Osiris, Isis & Planet X :
>> Chasing The Centuries for full details.  It is a LONG
>> chapter, over 70 pages.
>> In my mind, I fully agree with Dr. Velikovsky's
>> "duplication scenarios" in Ages In Chaos.  I think that
>> ultimately Dr. Velikovsky will be remembered more for Ages
>> In Chaos than Worlds In Collision.  You simply cannot
>> have all those "coincidences" of duplicated history,
>> without duplication itself.
>> It may take years for all the details to be sorted out,
>> but I fully believe that theory of historical duplication.
>> For the most part, Dr.  V's "reconstructed history" of
>> Israel/Judah follows the Biblical narrative.  There are
>> only a few adjustments, but generally they are on the same
>> track, in synch with neighboring histories.
>> If you work it out as I did in Chapter 18, then you
>> find that Solomon ascended to the throne in 995 BCE.
>> He reportedly began construction of his Temple in his
>> 4th year.  Hebrews counted years from the beginning, so
>> his "4th" year would actually be only his third year by
>> modern standards, which count at the end of the year.
>> At any rate, he started the Temple construction in
>> 992/991 BCE.  There is nothing historically "unusual" or
>> "contradictory" about this date in terms of established
>> Biblical chronology.
>> Josephus in Antiquities Of The Jews wrote that the Exodus
>> occurred 592 years before the commencement of Solomon's
>> Temple.
>> 992 BCE + 592 Years =3D 1584 BCE
>> However, if you add up all the explicit periods of years
>> for David, Saul, all the Judges, Joshua and Moses, you
>> also get a period of 592 years.  So Josephus was using
>> the same Old Testament math.
>> 995 BCE + 592 Years = 1587 BCE
>> Granted, some of those periods of governance are listed
>> as "40 years" which can be interpreted as a "generality"
>> of sorts, but we have to use the data that we have.
>> The cataclysms accompanying the time of the Israelite
>> Exodus from Egypt occurred in the spring of the year --
>> the "Passover" of "The Lord".  Dr. Velikovsky makes this a
>> "Venus Event" when it was actually the last Passover or
>> Crossover of Nebran Planet X, whose orbit lasts for 3,600
>> Earth Years or 1 Nebran Shar, Nebran Year.
>> Then if you take the Mayan End-Time Date of 21 December
>> 2012 and go back exactly ONE NEBRAN SHAR of 3,600 Earth
>> Years, you arrive at 21 December 1588 BCE, just prior to
>> the springtime Passover of the Exodus.
>> 2012 CE + 1588 BCE = 3,600 Years
>> This mathematical discovery is much too "dramatic"
>> to be brushed aside as "frivolous".  Thus, it leads me
>> to conclude that the "guesstimates" for Santorini and
>> Greenland are also incorrect by about 40-50 years, and that
>> all of these events occurred more or less simultaneously
>> in 1588-1587 BCE.''

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