Its the reason why any software package older than 5 years is up to
version 4 or 5 or 12 by now.  each new number is a built from scratch
variant, to avoid just those problems.

On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 12:54 PM, Jed Rothwell<> wrote:
> Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:
>> > The number of bugs in a software package decreases at first
>> > and then increases, inexorably, to the point where the software becomes
>> > unusable.
>> Can you name an example where this has happened?
> It has happened to every software package I ever wrote which remained in
> use.
> Brooks (p. 121) cites B. Campell, MIT Lab. for Nuclear Science, and
> elsewhere as I recall he talked about AT&T central office programming.
>> Lots of software has gone "obsolete" as a result of failure to keep up
>> with hardware changes or as a result of being too hard to modify for
>> newly surfaced requirements, but that's *NOT* what you're claiming here.
> Correct. Brooks discusses that elsewhere. It is a related but somewhat
> different topic. As you say, most software has to be maintained and changed
> in response to demands from the customers and changes in the real world,
> such as new tax codes for an accounting package, and you have to respond to
> customer complaints about bugs. When you do that, problems with the original
> design gradually surface, and eventually degrade performance. When you try
> to fix bugs, you end up causing more bugs than you started with. You cannot
> patch a profound systematic error in the design of a program or machine. You
> have to start over from scratch.
> Naturally if you perform no maintenance and fix no bugs, and you leave the
> program exactly as it is for 5 or 10 years, it will work as well as it ever
> did. The driver and software for my Hewlett-Packard scanner hasn't been
> changed or updated in years, but it still functions. (But probably not with
> Vista!) If you can live with the bugs that's fine. This scanner, for
> example, has a bad habit of losing track of where the scanner head is and
> freezing up when I perform certain operations such as scanning large sheets
> too quickly. I have learned not to do that.
>> The number of *REPORTED* bugs always increases with time, to the point
>> where the bug database may become unusable. . . .
> That's true too. It is a function of the customers becoming more skilled
> with the software, and using more features. Brooks discusses this as well.
> Brooks, by the way, refers to the book Frederick P. Brooks, "The Mythical
> Man Month," (Addison-Wesley, 1975). Highly recommended. Brooks is the
> "father of the IBM System/360." I concur with his observations. It does not
> "sound like BS" to me.
> - Jed

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