At 09:08 AM 9/8/2009, you wrote:
Yes indeed, codeposition + looking for tracks in CR-39 are the keys to
low cost (very low material cost, very low equipment cost), the
question is, as I asked recently in another thread where I got no
answer, are the numerous pits observed in those CR-39 experiments the
result of (electro?)chemical attack or genuine energetic particle
tracks? Or only some of them maybe? Your opinions welcome. Ed? Jed?

I find the chemical attack explanation rather thin. Charged particle tracks with CR-39 were reported by the Chinese in, I think, 1990. Chemical attack was an obvious possibility, but it seems to have been ruled out by the SPAWAR group, their responses to Kowalski seem credible. CR-39 tracks are an obvious option.

I'm concerned about the difficulty of reproduction angle. I had assumed that the codep technique avoids the materials issues, i.e., having just the right palladium for Fleischmann cells. Just how variable can a thin layer of palladium be?

Had a long talk with Storms yesterday, he was generous with his time. On the one hand, quite negative. Apparently he's tried to reproduce the SPAWAR work without success. If I didn't misunderstand him, there may be some very serious obstacles.

The approach I want to take should *theoretically* work. ("The approach" is not some specific formula or protocol, but a practical engineering approach that is design to find reproducible effects without understanding the theory; Storms seemed to think this impossible until the theory is understood, but I suspect that is backwards. Until there are effects that are solid enough that controlled experiments produce definitive results, exploring theory will remain very difficult.

On the one hand, but Ed and Jed are very negative about the prospects for a kit that anyone could use; every proposal is met with very negative response, such as I suggested infrared imaging and Ed said maybe you could get a camera to do it for $10,000 (actually the first number he gave was higher). But what I had in mind wasn't a full blown industrial camera, but a kludged setup using a night vision device and lenses, fixed focus.

The idea is to get different kinds of data from the cell, besides ones that are necessarily proof of nuclear activity. I mentioned sound. Well, electrolytic cells are noisy, apparently, from the bubbles. Noisy at what frequencies? Are there any effects *associated* with excess heat and/or radiation and/or helium?

Lots and lots and lots of questions.

Jed has recommended pursuing Arata-type replications. Maybe. But apparently the Kitamura work only found a small effect, unlike the much larger effect that Arata reported. No data from Arata on absolute heat generation, no way to assess the work. Sterling engine running, great. Now is that delayed heat release from hydride formation that is perhaps slower with deuterium, some kind of "leaking" into the particles that doesn't happen with hydrogen? Claim is much more energy out, presumably in the extended period, than can be explained chemically, but without any calorimetry data and only weak results from Kitamura....

P.S. Abd, it's a good thing you're discussing your projects here,
where you may catch more ideas/suggestions/objections than on your
lower diffusion mailing list.

The mailing list is more for a working group, a place to support the making of decisions. It's working again, by the way, it was down for more than a day.

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