An unfolding story- and elegant and convincing demo (of something) :

Rotatable Michelson-Morley Interferometer experiment. 

Possible implications: 
1)      An optical gravitometer?
2)      the mirrors and/or the beamsplitter  experience a torque 
3)      Michelson-Morley got it wrong to a large extent, and there is an
aether drift that becomes most apparent when amplified by the strongest
local field, which effectively overwhelms the contribution of larger
non-local fields ?
4)      A 4th dimension interface is measureable perpendicular to gravity
5)      When you make incorrect initial assumptions, nothing you do
thereafter is valid
6)      ??????

Why would the "luminiferous aether" operate this way? 

M-M and subsequent research based everything on assumptions which may not be
valid - i.e. the way aether would operate relative to the solar mass and to
a lesser extent the galactic center of mass. The earth's field, although
weak in comparison to the Suns, is relatively strong so that the vertical
alignment shifts all of the prior assumptions into a different focus, so to

.. but hey, someone back then did have the foresight (or luck) to call it
"luminiferous" which might point to a photonic connection which has been
minimized in the past?

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