Jed has shot from the hip, unfairly.

Steve's visit to interview Fleischmann at his house, prior to both of them then going on to the Rome conference, was organised and agreed over three months previously. After everything was finalised, and very close to the interview date, it transpired that Fleischmann was in New York with the Energetics technology people (Dardik) and "may not be back in time". Extra expense changing flights and accommodation ensued to fit it with this last minute change. Arriving in England, we were not even sure that Fleischmann had returned home but Steve phoned up anyway only to be greeted with a stonewalling American voice (that turned out to be Ryan Freilino of Energetics) that claimed to be part of the "medical team" treating Martin F, that he was to ill to answer the phone (the Fleischmanns have a cordless phone) and that there would be no interview. I've heard plenty of bullshitting Yanks in my time and this was total bullshit, or I'm a Dutchman.

Steve decided that as there was to be no interview we might as well buy Martin some flowers and a get well card. We delivered these in person and were met by Sheila F and Ryan Freilino, who repeated the "he's too sick to see anyone" line. Steve made some remark expressing sorrow that Martin was not responding to the Dardik "LifeWaves" treatment (bear in mind that Martin had been well enough to be in New York and to travel back to Tisbury which can be grueling even for people in the best of health).

Mysteriously, Martin F turned up at the Rome conference a few days later, apparently as healthy as anyone can be with his underlying medical conditions, which no-one has disputed. Upon being asked whether the "I vant to be alone" messages were from him or others, he replied "other people".

Either the LifeWaves treatment had a near miraculous effect as soon as Steve politely walked away from their door or MF wasn't anywhere near as ill as Freilino alleged and the whole story was just the Dardik's controlling access to someone they are trying to use to give their operation credibility. They have lost any credibility they may have had with me, if this is the way they operate.

Nick Palmer

On the side of the Planet - and the people - because they're worth it

Blogspot - Sustainability and stuff according to Nick Palmer

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