At 10:03 AM 10/13/2009, Jed Rothwell wrote:
As it happens I suffer from neurological problems similar to Fleischmann's. That is obvious to anyone who meets me. It is annoying but not debilitating. I have never made a big deal about it and if it bothers someone they can go jump in a lake. I am likely to live as long as Fleischmann has, which is long enough. If I feel like disclosing some aspect of my medical condition, that's my business. If I do not feel like discussing it then you would be way out of line discussing it or trying to find out what treatments I may or may not be taking. (None, as it happens, other than vigorous exercise; bicycling and ~500 pushups per day. I have difficulty with a pen or spoon but I can easily handle an axe or chainsaw, which perhaps influences the way I deal with adversaries such as Robert Park.)

Couldn't resist.

NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS, October 13, 2009. Observer Abd ul-Rahman Lomax, of Lomax Design Associates, today read the above comment from Jed Rothwell, which could explain Rothwell's sometimes erratic behavior. As admitted, Rothwell has difficulty with a pen, which he frequently uses as an axe or chainsaw. Rothwell is hostile toward complaints, telling critics to "go jump in a lake," an exact quote. His refusal of orthodox medical treatment for his neurological problems would be in line with his naive acceptance of fringe scientific theories, such as cold fusion, and he imagines that vigorous and extreme exercise will help him, instead of the proven products of the American pharmaceutical industry. As a result, he's not expected to live beyond 82. He did not disclose his age, which would be consistent with his secretive attitude about other aspects of his work.

Freedom of speech and the press, ain't it great? Careful about that axe/chainsaw pen, Jed. Great image, eh? I love it. Is there a CF seminar scheduled for the ACS national conference in San Francisco in March? Do you think you might be there? I'd love to meet you. Should I wear armor? How much noise does that pen make, would I be able to hear it start up and run or duck?

Good luck with your "neurological problem." I've got my own, to be sure; happens as you get older. I would never be so uncivil as to tell my own critics to jump in a lake, unless it's icy cold and I think the shock might help them; instead I recommend taking up kite-flying.

A woman I loved once told me to go soak my head, so I walked immediately outside, where there was a snow-fed stream, and immersed my head in it. Not recommended if you are not in good health, but it was better than LSD.

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