>From Mr. Lawrence

> Some of you may have been debating whether to get the vaccine or not.
> Here are a couple of personal observations...
>  -- They say it's not very deadly.  Well, I guess it's not, we're all
> still alive here.
>  -- They say it's not usually very serious.  Well, I guess it's not; the
> number of days when it knocks you right over flat on your back in bed
> seems to be smaller than what I recall other flues doing.  Most of the
> time you've got it you get to join the ranks of the Walking Wounded.
>  -- They say it may stick around a little longer than usual...  and hey,
> man, they are right!
> This is the Energizer Bunny of flues.  As members of the Early Adopters
> program, we received our cases by aerial delivery (Achoo!) quite some
> time before the vaccine appeared on store shelves in our town, and it's
> still going strong.
> They also say it may have an unusual tendency to bring along secondary
> infections "for the ride", like, for instance, eye infections.  And I
> have to say, they're right again.  (Ouch.)
> All in all, if this was developed in a black lab somewhere (*Woof!* --
> er, no, I mean a clandestine laboratory), said lab being packed with
> evil scientists engaging in depraved experiments with recombinant virus
> fragments, then those scientists are not out to destroy the world.  No,
> indeed.  They are sadists:  They are simply determined to make the world
> *miserable*.
> And now I shall go back to Saying Nothing, probably for at least another
> few days, or until we're all over this Thing here.

Have a hot bowl of chicken soup! It may not cure the body's ailments
but it nourishes the soul.

Not surprising, just like most of the country there is a dire shortage
where I live, in Madison Wisconsin. They ran out of supplies a month
ago. Only specially targeted groups managed to get vaccinated.

The rest of us are still waiting. They say by December. We'll see...

Steven Vincent Johnson

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