At 09:33 AM 11/25/2009, Jed Rothwell wrote:
History of Science

Controversy in Chemistry: How Do You Prove a Negative?—The Cases of Phlogiston and Cold Fusion**

Jay A. Labinger* and Stephen J. Weininger*

This is a common straw man argument made against the low-energy nuclear reaction findings. It arises from an assumption that it would be necessary to prove that cold fusion is truly impossible in order to convince the cold fusion researchers to give up. As you've shown, Jed, what *could* be done is to show that specific experimental results were probably artifact.

There are aspects to the argument made which are valid; the problem is that these aspects either no longer apply or were misapplied in the first place, and then assumptions have existed that extrapolated possible criticisms of early work into general criticisms of all work.

Let me start by making the arguments. I'll start with what is most true.

Publication/reporting bias. If many people are looking for some phenomenon, and even if the phenomenon does not exist, if many experiments are performed, but only results tending to show a positive finding are reported, it can appear that there are many positive results and few or no negative results.

Shotgun correlation. Many different phenomena are asserted to represent LENR. Specific and clear replications are relatively rare. So a series of disparate anomalies are asserted to prove a general class of phenomena without ever clearly showing and confirming *one* result.

Cold fusion results are highly variable. This starts to get much less true. Some approaches are highly variable, some seem quite reproducible. The claim that better instrumentation always resulted in a reduction of the effect, quite simply, is false. That happened sometimes, sometimes not. When the "better instrumentation" was an independent replication failure, well, it was a replication failure, and replication failure, especially with the P-F approach, was the norm in the early days. It was quite a difficult experiment, and that was one of the big errors: presenting it as if it were easy, just plop some palladium rods in some heavy water, add something to make the heavy water conductive, and start the electrolysis.

But science shouldn't be punished because of errors in a press conference, nor, in fact, for even more serious errors in reporting. That Fleishcmann incorrectly and clumsily reported neutrons, where he wasn't an expert, should have no impact on the credibility of his calorimetry, where, indeed, he was an expert. But the rejectors, by and large, were nuclear physicists, with no particular respect for Fleischmann's expertise.

The paper, to its credit, mentions the heat-helium correlation. The authors then attempt to toss cold water on it by raising, again, general theoretical objections, and appear to be unaware that this correlation exists across many reports by different research groups, and is statistically of high significance. Extraordinary evidence, indeed.

The weight they place on theoretical objection is way too high, in this case. Cold fusion did not actually violate heavily validated theory. The idea that low-energy nuclear reactions could not take place was never well-demonstrated by experiments that probed the edges, the unusual, and that's exactly what Fleischmann was doing, according to his later accounts.

That the condensed matter environment could affect nuclear reactions was already known, in some unusual cases. The barrier between chemistry and physics wasn't absolute. What was also understood, in theory, was that quantum mechanics was an approximation, not accurate when applied to multibody problems, so the theoretical objection to cold fusion was weak. Fleischmann explained that he expected that he would find that differences between the predictions of quantum mechanics and reality (which would require, at least, the far more complex math of quantum field theory or quantum electrodynamics, would be below measurability.

He was wrong, and he was still working on the problem when patent issues forced premature revelation of his work.

Various phenomena that may have been, in fact, cold fusion or low-energy nuclear reactions had long been reported, but always dismissed readily as impossible. To take the theory as requiring the rejection of reproducible experiment, though, is to fossilize science. So the issue boils down to reproducibility, generally. (Even without reproducibility, some rare phenomena can be and have been accepted. We can't reproduce earthquakes, to give Hoffmann's example to his pseudo-skeptical student.)

To demand, as an example, commercial-level power production before considering LENR real, is to put the cart before the horse. What if it turns out that, at least with existing approaches, commercial power is impossible? Nobody has rejected muon-catalyzed fusion because it isn't commercially viable! We all know that scaling up cold fusion and, at the same time, making it reliable, is quite difficult. So far, reliable methods, relatively low heat, but well within statistical significance. Less reliable methods, sometimes, much more heat, and still a convincing demonstration when an entire series of experiments is reported.

(That's always a concern, to be sure. If I do a hundred experiments, and decide that ninety of them must have been "wrong" in some way, even though I tried to make them identical, I could present a pretty convincing series of ten experiments..... but that's a novice error, in science, and nothing discredits a scientist like cherry-picking of data, it's almost as bad as outright falsification.)

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