Gad. It still isn't right! Corrections below. I have vertigo at the moment and can't think straight. I've actually done half of this experiment, though decades ago, and it is interesting how the concentration gradient wanders, it doesn't follow what you would expect for any kind of E field.

On Nov 23, 2009, at 2:48 AM, Michel Jullian wrote:

See: fuel_cell.html

I had no idea an ultraclean rechargeable battery could be done so simply!

<<- One foot of platinum coated nickel wire, or pure platinum wire.
Since this is not a common household item, we carry platinum coated
nickel wire in our catalog.
- A popsickle stick or similar small piece of wood or plastic.
- A 9 volt battery clip.
- A 9 volt battery.
- Some transparent sticky tape.
- A glass of water.
- A volt meter.>>

It seems to me a small amount of lye would help the reaction along. No matter, the intent is apparently not to create a working cell, i.e. generate power, it is merely to generate a voltage.

I see they sell the wire for $14.41 plus shipping. A bulk source for wire and mesh might be:

H2 and O2 are produced by short electrolysis runs, after which the
bubbles clinging to the electrodes are catalytically recombined by the
electrode surface material (platinum) to generate electricity :)

1/ The article features nice "explanations" of how it works, but how
does it _really_ work? In particular, in the generating (fuel cell)
phase, they don't say what makes the positive hydrogen ions climb
"uphill" from the negative electrode to the positive one, anyone can
explain this miracle? ;-)

2/ It seems to me a much higher capacity (and perhaps even practical)
rechargeable battery could be made by using a hydrogen
absorbing/desorbing material e.g. Pd for the negative electrode, and
by making gaseous oxygen available at the anode. Storing the latter is
not required of course, O2 from the air is fine... maybe a floating
support which would keep a grid or flat serpentine shaped positive
electrode at the surface of the water or just below?


The explanation looks bogus to me. I think the cell works by reversible reactions, not recombination.

Bockris states that conduction in an electrochemical cell in the volume between the interface layers is almost entirely due to concentration gradients. That is because almost all the potential drop is in the interface layers themselves. The E field in the bulk of the cell is very small.

I expect the cell actually operates by creating even *more* bubbles, not consuming the gas already there in the form of bubbles.

In the course of the brief electrolysis by battery, the volume of water around the *anode* is preferentially filled with H3O+ ions, as the OH- ions release their electrons and form O2 and H2O2, and the volume around the *cathode* is filled with OH- ions as the H3O+ ions present at the cathode surface are electrolyzed. This can actually be viewed by use of a dilute electrolyte, plus a pH indicator like phenolphthalein, which is colorless in acidic electrolytes, and pink in basic solutions. To do this first add the (liquid) phenolphthalein to distilled water. Connect the battery. To view the creation and migration of OH- ions: add a little bit of boric acid to the water, and stir. Repeat the process until you can see the electrolyte turns pink in the vicinity the *cathode* (- electrode) once the electrolyte settles down. Boric acid was chosen because it is commonly available from pharmacies. To view the creation and migration of H3O+ ions add a little bit of lye to the water and stir. Repeat the process until you can see the electrolyte is pink, but when the electrolyte settles down you can see the volume around the *anode* (+ electrode) gradually turing clear. It can take a little fooling around with concentrations to get the effect to work quickly and dramatically. The diffusion occurs slowly but at a clearly visible pace.

You can demonstrate the reversibility of the reactions by reversing the battery. Note, however, that the diffusion occurs in a somewhat random manner. It doesn't typically blossom out in a perfectly spherical or cylindrical manner (depending on the electrode shape). Reversing the reaction is thus not a perfect process either. I tried some of this decades ago in a feeble attempt to make a display technology. I got a nice red stream of ions coming from a copper anode in a basic solution.

In any case I doubt it is actually recombination that causes the potential at the electrodes. It is the presence of the high concentration of ions in solution that makes the residual potential when the battery is disconnected. The H3O+ ions take on electrons through the wire originally releasing hydrogen at the site where the hydrogen was generated, the anode, thus making *more* hydrogen bubbles. Similarly, the OH- ions donate electrons to make H2O2 and *more* O2 at the site where O2 was generated prior.

The meter is probably a 10 megohm meter, meaning registering the 2 V potential requires generating 0.2 microamps of current, and thus 0.4 microwatts of power. Not much of a fuel cell!

It would be interesting to run the current for a while until a significant concentration gradient can be visualized, and then disconnect the battery to see what effect the current generated through the meter has on the visible gradients.

Note that the concentration gradients of H3O+ and OH- particles does not necessarily require an E field to maintain them, provided there are other radicals in the electrolyte. Salt buffers can be used to increase conductivity without driving Ph to extremes. The presence of additional radicals can balance the charges to neutral, or to match the E field in the electrolyte. For example, if the electrolyte is NaOH, the Na+ can redistribute to neutralize the charges. If boric acid is used, the B(OH)4- radical will balance the charges.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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