On Dec 5, 2009, at 9:07 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

The interesting thing here to ponder is based on the image seen in the
article and the implication from it: are the "triple tracks" related to

If you are implying they are quarks, then no. Quarks do not come "unglued" even at near TeV energies. They are always in at least pairs (mesons) or triads (hadrons).

That is not implied, of course, and no one else seems to have had
the temerity to make a big case for this implication to date, but ... let me
ask ... how else (aside from Theology) does one find three distinct
components to a single entity?

SPAWAR proposed the triple tracks were from the three alpha producing reaction:

n + C12 + (9 MeV minimum kinetic energy for subsequent triple tracks seen) --> 3 He

This was logical because that is commonly seen in CR-39 when high energy neutrons are present. SPAWAR suggests the neutrons come from:

  D + T --> 4He (3.5 MeV) + n (14.1 MeV)

Here is an article relating to T2O + D2O electrolysis with some rare (8 +-4 counts per second) 10 MeV plus neutrons found: Quote:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rusov VD, Zelentsova TN, Semenov MYu, Radin IV, Babikova
YuF Kruglyak YuA;
Pis'ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 15(#19) (1989) 9--13 {In Russian}
"Fast neutron recording by dielectric track detectors in a palladium-
deuterated -tritiated water system in an electrolytic cell".
** Experimental, alloy, electrolysis, neutrons, res0
Used a 50:50 mix of D2O and T2O, a "corrugated" alloy
(Pd 72, Ag 25, Au 3) electrode, 10 mA/cm**2 and
"200 V" cell voltage (no electrolyte!). A polymer
track detector (CR-39) (1-5 E-04 track/n sensitivity)
was used to detect the integrated neutron flux from
possible cold fusion of light nuclei. Some rare
high-energy (>10 MeV) neutrons (8+-4/s) were found.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
End quote.

The above summary was taken from Dieter Britz's site:


The above experiment provides a solid indication of a nominal amount of D-T fusion even though there is no indication whatsoever that proper lattice conditions for cold fusion were established. If repeatable, that is a landmark achievement because it proves fusion from chemical conditions. Hopefully with what is known today the results can be greatly improved.

However, the *low counts* even at 50-50 mix may also be an indication that the SPAWAR tracks are *not* from high energy neutrons. The SPAWAR lattice has to have a negligible amount of tritium, created by cold fusion itself, and the tritium branch is highly suppressed. Even a slight doping of the electrolyte with tritium should multiply the neutron counts by orders of magnitude - *if* the high energy neutrons are from D-T reactions.

Do a locate on "triple" in:


where you can see I proposed the knock on reaction:

  lambda0 + p --> p + p + pi-

as a possible alternative reaction to the 12C(n,n’)3α SPAWAR reaction.

The SPAWAR data does indeed seem to suggest high energy neutrons from a DT reaction. The source of the tritium in SPAWAR experiments logically can be expected to be DD fusion, and thus of a low probability because the concentration of tritium (or possibly some form of tritium precursor) is very low. It should be no surprise that tritium can be produced in small quantities via cold fusion reactions.

The conclusion of the Boss et al article implies the need for repeating exactly the same experiment using D2O + T2O (actually just a trace amount of TDO) instead of just D2O. If the flux of high energy neutrons does not increase, then the conclusion is suspect. Otherwise, this will provide some confirmation of the Boss et al conclusion. More importantly, if high energy neutrons can be reliably produced using the more sophisticated, successful, and controlled protocol as used by Boss et al, this could provide a solid starting point for narrowing down the underlying physics. A tritium atom does not differ significantly from a deuterium atom with respect to the Coulomb barrier. Whatever mechanism permits deuterium to defeat the Coulomb barrier should also permit tritium to do so also. The difference may be that the cross section is larger and the signature unmistakable and highly repeatable.

Though the use of tritium can only be done in the US by licensed labs, and practical devices would preferably be deuterium only, tritium doping experiments may provide a necessary step in the progress toward practical devices.

Because the tritium available in the SPAWAR D loaded cathode must be nominal in the extreme, and likely primarily there due to DD fusion, the cross section for lattice based DT fusion has to be enormous, much larger than 100 times the DD cross section (if cross section is even a valid concept for lattice assisted fusion) to support the DT hypothesis. The tritium must be used up very quickly after forming. Perhaps lattice half-life (LHL) would be a better concept than cross section, in loaded lattices, because the term cross section pre- supposes a collision, kinetic interaction, hot fusion. LHL is a term which would have meaning only in the context of a specific degree of lattice loading. I expect when highly confirmed theories of LENR are available such a term could be defined including a formula component descriptive of lattice loading conditions.

If Boss et al are correct in their deductions of the source of high energy neutrons, then a huge breakthrough is at hand. If contradictions are found in the D-T hypothesis, or unexpected energy spectra are identified, it does not necessarily mean that increasing the D-T reaction rate is not useful, and it does not mean huge benefits cannot be obtained by increasing the miniscule T concentration even by a factor of a few orders of magnitude. Tritium doping should be useful for analyzing and improving any CF protocol, especially those capable of producing excess heat.

Lattice assisted DD fusion nearly eliminates the neutron forming branch, but there is no reason to believe that lattice assisted D-T fusion will nearly fully suppress neutron generation. In the case of D-D fusion there are three branch possibilities, two of which create no neutrons. Given that a lattice assisted D-D fusion nucleus is not created by energetic kinetic action, but rather by electron catalysis, it should be no surprise the branch producing the highest energy is highly favored, namely D+D->He4, and the other feasible branches highly suppressed. There is no probable similar alternative branch for the D-T or T-T fusion that creates no neutrons. All the tritium fusion reactions create neutrons. Tritium doping is thus extremely useful for diagnosing whether excess heat is from actual fusion or from some other source.

Tritium doping provides a window into what is happening in the lattice, via the energy spectrum of the resulting high energy neutrons. It certainly is not logical that D-D fusion can occur in a lattice assisted manner and yet D-T or even T-T fusion can not. The Coulomb barrier is the same. Tritium likely provides a large tunneling target because the D-T hot fusion cross section is large. If D-T fusion is indeed in fact occurring in the lattice, as Boss et al hypothesize, it is therefore unreasonable to not expect neutron generation. However, the mechanism of fusion in the lattice is energetically different from hot fusion, and I would expect the neutron energy to differ. In fact I would expect high energy neutrons to exhibit a spectrum of kinetic energies for reasons I have posted here and published regarding the "Deflation Fusion" scenario. Under that or any electron catalysis scenario, I would in fact not expect 14 MeV neutrons from D-T fusion reactions, while a significant number above 6 MeV could be expected, with a fuzzy peak.

Tritium doping should (a) produce highly repeatable and incontrovertible proof of nuclear reactions and (b) provide an effective means of quickly measuring reaction rates while dynamically varying experimental conditions.

If tritium doping is used, then lattice assisted fusion should also result in the p-T reactions: T(p,n)3He and T(p,gamma)4He. The latter reaction might be considered as unlikely as D(D,gamma)4He is conventionally considered to be due to initial kinetic energy requirements and lack of an inertial pair to distribute resulting kinetic energy. However, under the deflation fusion scenario, or some other electron catalyzed fusion scenarios, the nucleus enclosed electron provides a means of releasing radiant energy and momentum in small increments, and high initial energies are not required to trigger the reaction. The T(p,n)3He reaction requires from 1 to 5 MeV kinetic energy to pull off as hot fusion. Given that electron catalyzed fusion reactions result in highly de-energized nuclei, and the resulting radiant energy is largely from the vacuum, it may be that T(p,n)3He is feasible as a cold electron catalyzed reaction. If lattice assisted D-T reactions can occur with much higher observed frequencies than expected for the reactant concentrations, as possibly indicated in SPAWAR results, then p-T reactions may also have a higher frequency than expected for the reactant concentrations. Protium from ambient humidity can be expected to contaminate D2O cells, especially long running open cells. This could account for highly variable neutron production over long run times. In a D2O experiment an initial period is required to build up trace T and another period is required to build up p. The SPAWAR CR-39 could possibly have 3He tracks resulting from T(p,n)3He or D (D,n)3He reactions, as well as neutron reaction induced tracks. All this indicates that tritium doping of even all protium based experiments may not provide adequate controls.

If lattice fusion reactions should produce high energy particles, especially third particle Bose condensate stimulation based reactions (as opposed to low energy electron catalyzed reactions) produce high energy particles, and conditions for producing many small Bose condensates exist, then it is clear that unexpected chain reactions can result. The D(D,n)3He reaction, for example, produces two particles for each reaction. It is thus important to diagnose exactly what conditions in the lattice are producing energetic results in what proportions. It seems to me feasible that both 3rd particle seeded Bose condensate collapse mechanisms as well as electron catalyzed fusion mechanisms can be at work in differing proportions in differing experiments, or a given experiment at differing times. What has been missing is a means to diagnose these kinds of things. Tritium doping may well lead to such a diagnostic capability.

Lastly, I should mention x-ray stimulation, because I think it has the greatest chances of robust effects. Deflation fusion is driven by (1) creating the deflated state with high probability, and (2) maximizing tunneling rate in the lattice. X-ray stimulation can be used to increase the latter. X-ray stimulation might be combined with radioisotpe lattice doping. Impurities like B, SI, and C, are known to create interstitial locations wherein "trapped hydrogen can jump between a limited number of sites without diffusing away from the trapping atom." (see Topics in Applied Physics, Volume 73, Hydrogen in Metals II, p. 76.) Also worthy of note is the fact (noted on p. 77), regarding hydrogen motion between double well potentials between two nearest neighbor tetrahedral sites, that tunneling is the dominating transport mechanism, with coherent tunneling occurring at less than 10 K, and incoherent tunneling occurring above a temperature of 10 K. Further, "tunneling dynamics is strongly affected by a nonadiabatic interaction of the hydrogen with the conduction electrons." Given the existence of such trapping sites, it seems to me beneficial to find a way to stimulate a high tunneling rate, using a method not involving diffusion, but rather conduction band electron stimulation. The best method of doing this seems to me to use coherent x-rays, probably from a wiggler, as that would be capable of producing a volume effect. Even if effective at producing fusion the problem then might be too high a requirement for energy in. It may be that a resonant ultrasound vibration could be set up to stimulate tunneling without excessive diffusion. Phonons should in my opinion stimulate significant conduction band - partial orbital state changes for ionically bound electrons. This kind of stimulation would also avoid the helium blocking of diffusion problem, as fusion would be triggered throughout the lattice without the need for other than the initial loading diffusion. This then would provide a volume effect instead of a surface effect. It also would enable loading at a high temperature and cooling a bit to increase orbital stressing without worries about reduced diffusion rates. The problem of course is finding the right mix of all these things.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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