-----Original Message-----
From: Horace Heffner
>> If you are implying they are quarks, then no.  Quarks do not come
> "unglued" even at near TeV energies...

> Sure - but according to the very same authority,

What authority?

Let's see ... How about the mainstream of physics for starters ?

> deuterium does not fuse at ambient temperatures ... and never,  
> never, never does 12C fission from a neutron capture.

The 3 alpha reaction 12C(n,n')3alpha is well known.  I don't know  
what you are talking about.

I am talking about essentially a zero cross-section of this reaction for
thermal neutrons.  Duh! This is why graphite is used as a moderator in
fission reactors where the average fission neutron starts out at about one

The supposition of higher energy neutrons in LENR is absolutely ludicrous
after all of these years of non-detectability  !!!

Geeze, where is any semblance of reality in this claim of carbon fission?


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