This is the eternal argument, and the last one that people come up with. There appears to be an imbalance that the battery-fed circuit gets from the battery, that the circuit balances out and some of the balancing reaction is tapped for doing work. Most of these start as energysavings and increased efficiency. Until the tuning and re- modeling allows the tinkerer to go further. By the time they are further away in experimentation they dont take anyone seriously who insists on closing the loop. If Steorn are anywhere close to the other open-system contraptions such as what Bedini is instructing people to build, it just will never beclosed-loop until what's there is studied seriously and no crutches are grasped for, be they fancy names for statistical laws or anything else that allows for an argumentative argument. Let's see what their (Steorn's) reasons are for requiring a battery. If it really is transformation that they're tapping, they'll have to explain away the battery-requirement like a bunch of adults. Of course theyll be mocked for having a battery by anyone who believes they're doing nothing but fooling investors.

iPoni sent dis message. Esa Ruoho wrote it.

On 15.12.2009, at 16.46, Craig Haynie <> wrote:

So... if the generator recharges the battery, then why not just
disconnect the battery and run the thing with the power from the

I think it's a crock...

Craig (Houston)

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