Terry sez:

>> Didn't someone have a theory that they were doing all this just to show how
>> good they are at running a PR campaign?
> Maybe that's it; otherwise, I can't figure them out.
> Why would they risk another failed demo after 2007?

I don't admit to having an answer, but I do know this theory has been
bandied about plenty of times over the years. It's also a favorite
conclusion written up at Wikipedia, the ultimate source of accurate
information! ;-)

Personally, I've never been able to buy into it as a plausible
explanation for Steorn's admittedly puzzling behavior. To my way of
thinking one would have to throw out Occam's Razor and start assuming
a lot of unproven assumptions.

What's the payoff? ...That Steorn is really good at manipulating PR?
...That they they can pull a fast one on everyone? There seems to be
an equally unproven assumption that if Steorn can "pull it off" that
future prospective clients will know that they, too, will be able to
cash in on Steorn's PR skills and make tons of money by hiring them to
manipulate "PR" to their own advantage.

Such convoluted reasoning stretches my own internal BS scale. However,
I also have to confess that having such a conclusion prominently
displayed over at Wikipedia as the preferred explanation probably
didn't help my predisposition in taking it seriously. ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

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