At 05:43 PM 12/18/2009, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote:
Mongo want to see a light bulb real soon.

No light bulb soon, Mongo send candygram to Sean.

Light bulb! Light bulb! Light bulb!

Steorn response simple: light bulb. Lights up. What does that mean?

Or not. Whatever they think will have the maximum effect on delay. They can create whatever appearance they want. It's not illegal to put on a show and pretend that something is what it is not, unless you collect investment without disclosing that there were deceptive statements made in public "to fool competitors" or for whatever reason. You don't defraud someone specific, there is no fraud. There is, in most places anyway, no law against fooling the public with deceptive evidence. Or else a lot of politicians would be going to jail. Happens all the time. Not just politicians. Companies advertise products with deceptive advertising as to quality. In some places they can outright lie, in others, they have to be more subtle. Puffery, exaggeration without specifics, is legal almost everywhere.

"Our product is better than theirs" isn't specific, it's not a provable statement either way unless far better specified. Perhaps their product makes a better doorstop. They didn't say what it was better at.

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